為了改善鈦合金(Ti-6Al-4V)材料去除率,本實驗將煤油及蒸餾水混合,利用超音波洗淨機加以震動混合,並在放電時使用攪拌器攪拌,提高混合效果,從此研究中發現在精加工條件(Ip=5A、τon=20μs)下,與蒸餾水相比較之下可以增加60﹪~ 70﹪的材料去除率,且表面粗糙度(Ra)只變差了0.5μm左右,找到了適當煤油添加比例,同時並發現在放電進行中是否有攪拌絕緣液,也是影響實驗結果的一個重要因素。 此外發現在中加工(Ip=10A、τon=100μs)過程中,提高放電持續時間會增加10﹪~ 20﹪材料去除率,不過因為添加煤油之緣故,在加工至一定深度時,會有積碳與排渣不易現象發生,導致二次放電,應可藉由噴流或是其他方法來加以改善。 在工業界與學術界中尚未有人以蒸餾水添加適當比例煤油,振動混合後拿來作為放電加工液,研究其加工特性,由此實驗中發現許多特殊的現象,並對提高材料去除率的原因做探討,希望能對工業界有所助益。 In order to improve the material removal rate of Titanium alloy(Ti-6Al-4V),this experiment will mix up kerosene and distilled water。First,the Ultrasonic cleaning machine to vibrate and mix above two fluid,in order to get excellent mixing effect,then these fluid will full stir using the mixing system when EDM is beginning machining。And then using the above mixing fluid in EDM finishing machining(Ip=5A、τon=20μs),the material removal rate can increase to 60﹪~ 70﹪than distilled water in EDM ,but the surface roughness only increase about 0.5μm(Ra),So proper proportion of mixing fluid and full stirred dielectric fluid is the important factor。 And,increasing the working time will lead to 10﹪~ 20﹪of the material removal rate,However,because of adding kerosene,there will be two disadvantages in the machining process。When working depths are reached at some certain values。First,the surface roughness will be become to worse when carbon build-up on the workpiece。Second,the secondary discharge will be happened because of harding to exclude debris,but these can be improved by spurting liquid or other means。 Distilled water which added proper proportion of kerosene was not found in using as dielectric fluid at other researches。So,in our studies,there are some special physical phenomenon have been proposed,we hope these results can help the industry。