公共工程為國家建設的指標,攸關社會大眾生命財產至鉅,綜觀工程品質低落主要原因為決標方式不良及低價搶標。就工程生命週期及全面品質管理觀點,採購計畫與招標作業階段對工程品質具關鍵性角色。目前機關招標方式以最低價決標為主,並以標比80%為判斷降低品質之標準,惟因缺乏標比對施工品質關連性的實證及量化數據,無法做出正確的決標評斷。 為瞭解決標差異與工程品質的關係,本研究以採購環境、決標差異及工程品質查核結果等三項變數之相互關連為基本假設。經蒐集軍事工程95至97年最低價決標案581件,以敘述統計及皮爾森積差相關係數分析,證實標比與工程品質成績具高度正相關顯著,標比高低確實影響工程品質。 由標比對品質影響矩陣分析結果發現,標比高品質高之工程佔74%最多,標比低品質高佔8%,為工程採購之優勢也是機會;標比高品質低佔11%,標比低品質低佔7%最少,對工程採購是劣勢也是威脅。經專家訪談並參考品質成本理論及工程實務檢討,據以研擬相關對策與因應作法;另依採購法施行細則第63條及最低標相關文獻,修訂現行最低價決標模式,將品質、成本、時間等因素予以貨幣化後納入決標條件,期選擇適合採購標的且綜合評量最低價之廠商,在雙贏共識下,以合理成本利潤、適切的工期及保固耐用保證,提昇整體工程品質。 The Taiwan construction industry has experienced regression since the beginning of 21st century. Intensive competition to earn awards for most types of construction projects becomes normal. On the basis of the lowest bidding method, this significantly lowers awarded prices for the contractor, which may cause poor quality to their projects. The objective of this study is to analyze whether construction quality is impacted by project awarded price. The study starts with a comprehensive literature review regarding construction quality and procurement in construction, followed by the data collection aiming at all military construction projects that have been graded based on quality aspect. A total of 581 military construction projects are investigated having detailed information of quality inspection and grading. The Pearson correlation and description analysis confirm that construction quality is positive correlation to project award price. The finding concludes that under the 63rd clause of the Procurement Law it is feasible to build up more friendly bidding by considering construction type, quality, time value, and costs.