2008年移動式偏極化/都卜勒雷達建置完成,此為台灣地區第一個可移動的偏極化雷達。雙偏極化雷達可觀測系統中降水粒子之雲物理特性,包括雨滴粒徑分佈,及降水粒子之分類,如冰晶、雪花、冰雹、霰或過冷水滴等。颱風及梅雨系統在台灣西部海岸、平原及山區所造成的豪大雨是風雨預報中極困難的一環,而豪大雨的成因受到地形與西南氣流交互作用的影響,是相當複雜的現象,偏極化雷達對於中尺度降水機制可提供較深入的觀測,並與模式結果的驗證可調整積雲參數化的影響,對目前最重視之模式四維資料同化應有助益。本計畫研究團隊曾於97年度針對雲嘉南地區進行現地勘查,已找到數個狀況良好的觀測地點。本計畫在98年度計畫期間,以移動式偏極化都卜勒雷達前往中南部地區,配合氣象局現有雷達網及空軍雷達網,依天氣狀況進行實際觀測(至少3次),測試(1)偏極化雷達降雨估計功能(2)與現有都卜勒雷達網進行雙都卜勒風場合成(3)電磁波衰減修正方法,估算校正後回波及差異反射率,並與實際雨量觀測結果進行比對校驗。本計畫目的為評估南部地區氣象雷達加強觀測之效益。Taiwan area has many different but severe weather hazards including typhoon and Mei-Yu front. The torrential rain brought by these weather systems often cause flash flood and land slide. In order to get important weather information such as typhoon track, typhoon intensity and the quantitative precipitation estimate of heavy rain system, weather radar is one of the most important instrumentation. A mobile polarimetric radar will be the main tool to study the precipitation systems in Mei-Yu and Typhoon seasons. Different scanning strategies and quality control parameters will be tested to compare the resultant data qualities and data coverage. The evaluation of the radar observation at different sites will also be conducted. The polarimetric rainfall algorithms will be verified with the rain guage network. All the results of this investigation will be sent to CWB for the long term reference. 研究期間:9802 ~ 9812