焦循主要的著作有《易學三書》及《孟子正義》,他一再強調「孟子深於易」,而孟子所深深掌握的易理,就是「通變神化」、「巽以行權」、「使民不倦」、「使民宜之」。這是「易理」的綱領。焦循的易學系統與孟子學皆有其獨創性,本研究計畫意在貫通焦循的易學與孟子學,嘗試探討焦循思想的整體特性,並想藉由對此特性的掌握,進一步檢視是否適用於焦循的其他著作。本研究計畫將採用西方哲學理論的觀念,即「建構的」(constitutive)和「調節的」(regulative)的區分,並借助Gadamer「權威與傳統」、「致用」、「影響史」等觀念,說明焦循如何理解「孟子深於易」,以及由此導引出來的道統。 Jiao Xun, as one of the most creative interpretator of “Zhou Yi”, is also one of the most distinguished commentator of “Mencius” Due to the properties of the contents of these two classical works, it is very difficult, if not possible, to merge them into a unified totality. This project is an attempt to make such unification through John Searle’s reformulation of Kant’s distinction between “constitutive” and “regulative”. Moreover, some hermeneutical notions, such as “tradition”, “authority”, “application”, “effective-history”, from Gadamer’s “Truth and Method”, are employed to explore the possibility of reception of the cultural achievements by the ancient Sage-Kings. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907