本研究主要從幾個面向重新切入中唐詩人地位的問題,一是詩人如何以詩作博取社會聲望,並進而集結成詩人群體,在形成詩人群體後,如何掌握文學場域中文學評價的權力,二是詩人在取得相應的社會聲望後,如何以詩名作為無形的資產,並依詩名聲價取得相應的社會地位。在進行本計畫時,首先要先考慮幾個問題,第一個是何謂詩人,亦即詩人概念(the concept of poet)的問題,詩人身分(the identity of poet)如何形成,何種人會自視為詩人、並以詩人自居,自稱為詩人,以及何種行為或作為方能被社會視為擁有詩人身分的資格,第二個是詩人地位(the state of poet)的問題,亦及詩人群體如何在文學、政治的場域權力運作下,得到利基,也就是當某些人被視為詩人或詩人群體的一員時,他能從身為詩人或被視為詩人這件事上,得到何種利益。 This study attempts adopt the cultural theory of “field”by Pierre Bourdieu and the idea of New Cultural History theory to examine the poets in gruous and the status of poets during the mid-Tang Dynasty. In order to research into the core of this study, we should consider what is the concept of poet in this period, and what kinds of qualifications would be treated as a poet. Then we may discuss which benefits poets get, and poets gathered to form groups for what kind of power to make what kind of interests to them. Who manage the power of literary field, the politicians or the chiefs of poets? These aspects of poets in this time will come into question in this project. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907