本論文進行超音波噴墨裝置設計分析暨製作研究,超音波噴墨原理為供應高頻率弦波電能於壓電換能器使其產生超音波,再透過聚焦透鏡將平面超音波匯聚成一高能量密度的超音波束,利用此高能量超音波束推動液面之墨水,進而達到噴墨功能。本文中整合基礎理論如壓電換能器產生超音波原理及聚焦透鏡匯聚平面聲波原理等,詳細探討換能器厚度及面積與共振頻率的關係,作為設計換能器之依據;並分析菲涅爾聚焦透鏡尺寸與聲波頻率之關係,用以設計較適合的透鏡,進而整合相關設計參數,開發噴墨裝置設計介面。期待透過設計介面減少在噴墨頭設計或改良時所須繁雜的理論分析進而提高設計噴墨裝置之效率。研究中也使用所開發之設計介面進行大型化及微尺寸超音波噴墨裝置實體設計,進而以數值模擬分析方塊型及圓環狀聚焦透鏡;規劃製造微尺寸超音波噴墨裝置之製程並加以製作,最終進行製作成品討論及噴墨實驗驗證超音波噴墨之可能性及所開發出的介面之實用性,以利在未來噴墨頭改良研究中使用。 This thesis presents the design analysis and fabrication of ultrasound focusing printing instrument. In the thesis analyzes several basic theories about ultrasonic inkjet ejector, for instance, resonance theory of piezoelectric film, focal plane floating over the resonant frequency, and optimum selection for the sound impedance matching layer. Besides, this thesis also demonstrates the practicability of ultrasonic ejection through three model which is designed at 1, 100, 200 MHz resonant frequency. Then the ultrasonic ejector can be done through MEMS apparatuses such as spin coater, mask aligner, ICP and RF sputter. We succeed fabricating the 4-steps lenses at 100 MHz and 200 MHz. And the ZnO film is successfully sputtered and possesses strong (002) orientation so that the ultrasonic waves can be generated. Then we can obviously observe the sound focusing phenomenon in the liquid surface at 1 MHz resonant frequency.