由於非對稱壓延具有可有效降低壓延力、材料於壓延製程的安排上,更趨自由及多樣性等優點,於壓延工業上之應用有極大的助益,故本文使用有限元素軟體MARC針對乾摩擦下非對稱壓延進行模擬分析,以不同厚度的板材在不同非對稱壓延條件下,探討上下輥輪的圓周切線速度比值對壓延後板材的曲率、壓延力及壓延扭矩的影響。 Because asymmetric rolling can decrease the rolling force and the arrangement of material that makes the rolling arrangement become more free and variable, it brings great benefits on Engineer. In this paper, asymmetric rolling is simulated by using the finite element software MARC. Discussing curvature of specimens, rolling force and rolling torque with peripheral speed ratio of up roll and low roll by different specimen thickness.