隨著橋梁逐漸邁入高齡化,橋梁生命週期成本分析(Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, LCCA)近年來深受各先進國家重視,台灣地區亦在近幾年發展出本土化的橋梁生命週期成本評估模式。目前各先進國家積極於橋梁構件之劣化預測中導入可靠度方法之新觀念與技術,使橋梁構件劣化趨勢之預測能更為準確,幫助橋梁生命週期成本評估分析結果更符合實務現況。本研究應用國內橋梁檢測資料,嚐試導入可靠度方法來建立國內橋梁構件之劣化預測模式,並將其整合於本土之橋梁性能導向生命週期成本評估模式中,以提升橋梁生命週期成本評估分析結果之合理性。初步案例演練之運算結果,以及與先前所發展之橋梁構件劣化預測模式進行比較,皆說明本模式具備之正當性與可操作性。 One major development in bridge life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) in recent years is to develop deterioration model of bridge components, so that the times of repair/replacement throughout a component’s life span can be properly determined. Taiwan also developed her own bridge LCCA model in 2003, integrating with the bridge inspection database in the local bridge management system (T-BMS). Under the framework of the local LCCA model, this study employs the reliability method in developing a deterioration model of bridge components. A component deteriorates through time in its reliability, which represents the probability of a component’s condition index falls above a user specified threshold. Model assumptions and rationale are described in the paper. The steps for applying the developed model are explained in detail. The developed model is implemented in a case study of bridge deck, and compared with the previous studies for its validation. Results and findings are reported.