摘要 臺灣地區老劣化橋梁逐年增加,檢測及維修工作與日俱增,如何在有限人力之下進行橋梁檢測,並正確判斷橋梁狀況實為重要之課題。目前國內橋梁定期檢測採用DER&U目視檢測評估法,此方法雖為一經濟快速之橋梁檢測方式,但目視檢測多仰賴檢測員主觀上之判斷,在人力不足之情況下即使對橋梁檢測工作不熟悉之人員亦須負起橋梁檢測工作,因而造成目視檢測結果之可靠度備受質疑。 本研究之目的為建置一套橋梁目視檢測自動化輔助系統,以協助檢測員快速而正確的得到檢測結果。此輔助系統建置於可攜式之平板電腦上,檢測員使用此系統時,可先從臺灣地區橋梁管理系統下載欲檢測橋梁之基本資料,無須手動填寫。檢測員檢測橋梁時,僅需根據系統所提供之狀況說明,比對並點選系統提供之劣化照片,系統則自動判斷並記錄橋梁之D、E、R及U值,此檢測結果並可於回辦公室後自動傳回橋梁管理系統。 本研究所建立之橋梁目視檢測自動化輔助系統,經實地測試證明為一快速而有效之工具,可提升橋梁目視檢測之正確性及完整性,未來可供橋梁管理單位檢測時參考使用。 Abstract There are many bridges in the transportation networks of Taiwan due to the mountainous aspect of the island. With bridges’ aging progresses, inspection and repairing of the bridges have become important tasks to maintain normal functions of the bridges. Currently, the methodology of bridge inspection and evaluation used in Taiwan is called DER&U. However, the DER&U inspection may result in various ratings due to various levels of knowledge, training, and experience of the inspectors. This research developed an Automated Visual-Aid System (AVAS) running on tablet personal computers for facilitating correctness and easiness of the bridge inspection. Before going out to a bridge site, an inspector can download, from T-BMS’ bridge inventory to AVAS, the basic data and historical inspection records of the bridge that is intended for inspection. AVAS provides photos and exhibits of deteriorations of concrete bridges that help an inspector to make proper DER&U evaluations. The inspection results can also be automatically uploaded to the T-BMS database by connecting the tablet PC to any PC connected to Internet. AVAS was field tested and proven to be an effective tool for facilitating the inspection processes. It is expected that AVAS be widely used by the bridge management agencies in Taiwan in the near future.