政府採購法於八十七年五月二十七日公布,期待透過採購法之實施,使政府採購行為更公平、公開,及提升效率、功能,並確保採購品質,以改善採購法訂定前常為人所詬病的採購弊端,使政府預算能發揮最大效能。 但如違反採購法所規範者,亦需予以一定程度之處罰。於採購法第一百零一條至第一百零三條部分,即針對違反一定行為規範之廠商,經一定程序將其刊登於政府採購公報列為拒絕往來廠商。此停權處分為一不利益處分,影響廠商之權益甚鉅。惟拒絕往來制度中,其所規範之情事自招標投標階段至完工保固階段,其中包括雙方是否具契約關係等問題;且政府採購行為包括工程採購、財物採購、勞務採購不同特性之採購類別等特點,故目前所規範之情事是否合理,值得討論。 本文首先針採購法中拒絕往來制度先進行探討,再針對目前停權處分之判斷案件進行案件類型探討,並擬以行政法上「雙層理論」加以分析該制度之特點、問題等相關爭議。最後建議該制度未來可能的修法方向。 The Government Procurement Law (GPL) was implemented on May 27, 1999 in Taiwan. It is expected that the government procurement operations will be more equitable and transparent under the new law. It is also expected to promote the efficiency and the quality of service of the government agencies through the operation of the GPL. There is a suspension mechanism installed in the GPL. The articles 101 to 103 are mainly aimed at suspending the contractors who are violating the GPL during bidding and during performing the contracts. The suspension mechanism is effective from the beginning of bidding to the end of warrantee and is covering all kinds of procurements including constructions, goods, and services. The disciplinary action may affect the contractor’s legitimate right to run business and must be execute with extra caution. The impact is very extensive and thus worth further discussion. This thesis analyzes the suspension mechanism at first, and then present the practical cases involving the suspension mechanism based on the Theory of Double-Deck (Zweistufentheorie). The principal goal of this study is to analyze the characteristic and the difficulties of the suspension mechanism in the GPL and to propose the possible improvement when the Law is to be revised in the future.