台灣地區建築工程每年產出數百萬噸營建廢棄物,多屬安定可再利用資源,若經適當分類處理程序後,均可成為有價再利用產品與原料。然過往建築工程廢棄物產出,因產出資訊掌握不易與產出數量易受工程性質不同而大幅更動,使建築廢棄物產出量缺乏一客觀評估標準,若業者樽節處置費用或不慎委託不肖代理清除業者進行處理,不僅易造成隨意載運至偏僻處所傾倒、掩埋或露天燃燒,也使政府難以有效進行流向管制,而造成廢棄物資源化與減量政策之效益難以有效評估。追溯產出源頭,唯有確實掌握營建廢棄物產出特性,客觀評估單位樓地板面積產出量,方能有效落實廢棄物流向與再利用機制,減少違規棄置情事發生。 近年來,隨我國政府以廢清法為依據,逐步落實廢棄物管理機制,並對營造業與建築拆除業推行分階段納管,強制列管業者須以網路型式申報廢棄物產出資訊。此舉不僅確立建築廢棄物之流向管制機制,也使全國建築工程廢棄物產出資訊於「全國事業廢棄物管制系統」管制下逐步完備。 本研究主要將擷取「全國事業廢棄物管制系統」之申報管制資料,以資料探勘流程進行資料處理,並考量施工人數、總樓地板面積、工程契約金額、樓層數(地上)、樓層數(地下)、工期、是否有現場分類、建築用途、構造形式、事業區域與營造公司等因子,依資料型態,分別進行多元回歸與多變異數分析等統計回歸方法,以確認建築工程廢棄物單位產出量之主要影響因子。並藉因子分析結果,建立各類建築物工程合理廢棄物單位產出係數。 經研究分析顯示,拆除工程依建築用途;新建工程依建築用途與構造形式,分別使建築工程廢棄物單位產出量產生主要影響。本研究統計分析之產出係數與現行相較,於拆除工程平均產出增加約3%;新建工程平均產出增加29%,經訪查確認後,也顯示部分目前所採用廢棄物產出評估係數及管制方式須進行調整。本研究藉由資料探勘特性,發掘符合規律、客觀、實務可行之影響因子及單位產出係數,不僅改善過往研究因資料收集困難而缺乏客觀數據佐證課題,並大幅提高申報管制資料效益。分析結果可供政府機關及業者更有效掌握建築工程時所產生之混合物數量,健全現行廢棄物申報管控作業,避免違規棄置情形發生。 More than several millions tons of building construction and demolition wastes are generated each year in Taiwan. Under the global development of sustainable construction, the government devotes more and more efforts to the proper handling and recycling of construction and demolition wastes. In order for controlling those wastes to go into recycling plants or legal dumping sites for proper treatment, contractor of a building project is required to submit a waste handling plan to local EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) for review before they can start the work. In the plan, they have to estimate the expected quantity of wastes, and to state clearly, where they will go, how they will be treated, and so on. Later on, the contractor has to report the actual generation and handling of the wastes on line into the EPA Waste Reporting System. Therefore, the estimated quantity serves as a base for the local EPA to monitor and control the wastes in the remaining process of construction waste management. The objective of this research is to investigate the major factors influencing the waste quantity generated in the construction as well as demolition of a building project. Factors considered includes building floor areas, use purpose of building, its structural type, with and without basement, building contract dollars, whether a recycling program equipped on site, and so on. Several thousands of building construction and demolition waste records (cases) in the local Waste Reporting System are employed for the investigation and analysis. Statistical regression analysis is performed on each of the considered factors to identify the major ones influencing the waste quantity generated in a building project. The identified major factors are compared with those identified in the previous studies for further discussions. These factors can serve as a base for the local EPA to better audit and control the amount of wastes generated in a building project and facilitates the remaining process of waste management. Findings and conclusions are reported in the paper.