近年來先進國家均大量投入整合型氣化煤複循環發電系統的發展,相對的對於流動式顆粒床過濾器的研發也顯得相當重要。含煙塵之燃氣由進口端進入流動式顆粒床內,再由出口端流出的過程中,煙塵雜質會被攔阻於顆粒床內,藉此達到燃氣淨化之目的。但在顆粒床中存在著幾個問題:滯留區的形成、濾材於床體中移動時的破碎現象,都是影響過濾效率的因素。 在過去的研究中,我們已經成功發展各式流動校正單元並有效克服滯留區問題。而在本研究將持續過去之成果,繼續進行相關的研究,並將重點列為發展濾材粉塵分離系統,探討其分離效率。最終結果將提供為三維冷性能破碎效應實驗之用。冷性能破碎效應實驗測試項目以過濾床之實際過濾效率、燃氣穿透過濾床的壓力的變化及破碎濾材對過濾效率之影響為主,而濾材質量流率、進口風速、濾材破碎量及粉塵分離率都是影響之因素。 依據先前冷性能測試結果,除了搭配濾餅的效果及穩定壓降來尋找出最佳過濾效率外,再加入不同破碎濾材量來探討。其結果可提供設計實際雛形之依據,並於未來能實際與產業界結合。 In recent years, developed countries have invested a lot in the development of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle system. The researched and developments of the Moving Granular Bed Filter also get more and more attention. The dust particulates would be stopped adhered to filter media in the granular bed when the flue gas passes the filer. However, there are still many problems in the GBF, such as the formation of stagnant zones and filter sands been broken in the process, which influence the filtration efficiency. We have already successfully developed various kinds of flow corrective elements in the louver-system overcome the problem of stagnant zone. This study continues our earlier achievements to develop the rotational drum sieve system to improve the efficiency. We also performed a series of cold test, focusing on the filter efficiency and the variation of the pressure drop in the filter. The mass flow rate, gas velocity and the quantity of the broken filter media are discussed. The optimum filter efficiency could be found out by the results of cold tests in this thesis and it could be used for designing the prototype of the moving bed filter.