本文主要討論以設計被動式壓電吸振器抑制金屬薄板受到一非週期衝擊集中力後之減振效果,考慮薄板四邊皆為簡支撐邊界條件,在薄板的結構表面貼附壓電材料並外接電路,形成一組類似機械式吸振器的吸振電路,達到抑制結構振動的效果。 首先介紹壓電材料之基本原理與特性,考慮系統對薄板及壓電材料之基本假設,並使用漢米爾頓定理推導薄板與壓電材料複合系統之耦合運動方程式,在電路部份以標準式壓電吸振器之電路為基礎,設計出新型之壓電吸振器電路,改善薄板因外力激振而產生的振動現象。經過數值方法計算後得到複合薄板系統受衝擊外力後之位移響應及頻率響應,進一步繪製響應圖形並加以分析和討論。由模擬結果得到,串聯電容壓電吸振器應用負電容做控制,確實可以得到不錯的吸振效果。 This thesis investigates reducing vibration of a thin plate by using a new type of passive piezoelectric absorbers. The thin plate is simply supported and subjected to an external impact force at its center. Two piezoelectric absorbers are attached to both sides of the plate. Each absorber is made of a piece of piezoelectric material connected to passive electric components. The equation of motion of the composite plate is derived by applying Hamilton’s principle. The equations of circuits are also obtained. Combining these two types of equations and using Galerkin’s method can give the solution of plate vibration. The numerical results show this new absorber can give more effective reduction in plate displacement than standard passive absorbers. Discussions focus on the characteristics of the new absorber. Parameter studies are also preformed.