近年來隨民眾對休閒活動意識的抬頭,戶外的各項活動不管是機車、自行車或是沙灘車(ATV)皆受大眾所歡迎,而沙灘車因為操縱簡單、娛樂性高且具有健身效果,為最廣受歡迎的休閒運動。為因應不同地區消費者的需求,國內沙灘車研究單位無不致力於創新設計各類型態沙灘車輛。然而一台新車的問世其各方面特性的優劣,必須經過一連串實車測試以及性能檢驗。是故,若能在實驗室內建立沙灘車路況模擬系統,輔以各項感測器的量測,以便探討其各項特性,不僅可節省大量的時間與人力對於研發的成本以及時間控管將有極大的效益。 本研究運用油壓伺服控制技術以及遠端參數控制理論,開發一套四軸沙灘車輛之路況模擬系統,並進行軟體上包括濾波除頻範圍設定、模擬隨機訊號參數設定以及迭代參數調校。同時於系統軟硬體整合後,先後以機車把手、鋁框、沙灘車進行負荷歷程訊號模擬真實路況,以期能夠於實驗室內準確模擬沙灘車於路面行駛之訊號。 由實驗結果可得知在機車把手之系統驗證上,其重現誤差可達1%以下。於鋁框四軸重現、沙灘車空載測試之重現誤差上皆可低於5%以下。另外,在沙灘車之負載測試(約64 kg)下,其重現誤差約達10%左右,顯見本系統具有極佳之重現性。相信本系統之開發,將可提供國內相關沙灘車業者在設計或研發上之參考。 Road simulation testing system can reproduce the field strain and acceleration history of a product in the laboratory. The purpose of this research is to develop a road simulation 4 poster system of All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) by using servo-hydraulic control technology and remote parameter control theory. Simultaneously, this study utilize three machine structures (motorcycle handle bar, aluminum frame, ATV) to validate the accuracy of developed road simulation system. Experimental results showed that the error of root mean squares of desired strain history and response history of motorcycle handle bar was within 1%. Then 4×4 aluminum frame and 4×3 unloaded All-Terrain Vehicle were tested. We found that the error of root mean squares of desired acceleration history and response acceleration history could be lower than 5%. Moreover was tested. The results showed that the error of root mean squares of desired strain history and response history of 4×3 loaded All-Terrain Vehicle was around 10%. Obviously this system was excellent for reproducing that field acceleration history of ATV.