本文以研磨、銑削及車削製程製作出定性、定量的模具及材料表面形貌與粗糙度值,進行鍛粗加工實驗,探討模具與材料接觸界面之表面形貌及表面粗糙度對金屬與模具間之影響以及變形後的關係。針對材料與模具界面接觸之關係以及異向性變形結果作為研究重點。 結果發現,產生異向性變形與模具表面形貌特徵有關,而試片表面形貌的影響則不明顯,且只發生在潤滑條件下。對於摩擦反應之敏銳性,圓環之內徑較佳。 In this paper, we discussed the influence of surface topography and surface roughness for the Al 6061 after upsetting. The emphasis to be aimed the relation of the interface contact of die and specimens and anisotropic deformation results. The upsetting experiment have used Surface topography in different height reduction. The measure results have surface contours, surface roughness, friction factor and bulging.To use the experiment results and the measure results to discuss fluid of workpiece.