「消防安全與風險管理」在近幾年來因許多重大工業火災發生而明顯重要,當工廠重大火災發生同時,除了對於企業本身造成嚴重直接損失外,另外對於員工及社會大眾亦造成不安與衝擊。 有鑑於「消防安全與風險管理」觀念日驅重要,本研究將探討日月光半導體中壢廠於94年5月1日所發生之重大火災事故成因,比較其他產業重大危害辨識與危害樹分析及OHSAS-18001職業安全衛生系統風險評估模式,搜集數據,透過統計分析,驗證企業對於消防安全災害防止之投入與火災發生次數、造成損失及風險之顯著差異,並對於企業日後建廠及消防安全風險管理,提出降低風險建議。 透過Wilconxon rank sum test(魏克森等級和檢定)統計檢定手法及迴歸分析,得到之結果除了兩組數據員工人數比較P value(檢定值) <0.05有顯著差異外,其他如風險比較及投入消防安全改善..等檢定均較無顯著差異。另外比較失效模式評估分析(FMEA)與危害樹分析(HTA)之風險評估手法,認為各企業應依照不同體質,選擇適當之評估方式,建置消防安全風險體系,降低企業風險。 Risk management and fire control safety are getting more and more important lately, due to some major conflagration. Fire disasters not only damage the corporation itself but also cause panic to the workers and the public. Base on the important concept of risk management and fire control safety. We will take the fire occurred at ASE on May 1st in Chung Li City as an example and examine the root causes. To compare other industries Hazard Study and Hazard Tree Analysis and OHSAS-18001(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001). Through collecting some figure and statistics, we believe that corporations which implement fire control can greatly reduce the level of fire damage. In addition to that, we can advice some suggestions to lower the risk while building the factories as well as implementing fire risk management. Based on Wilconxon rank sum test and Regression analysis,There are not much differences between the examination of risk compare and the improvement on fire control safety except that the P value<0.05 which were obtained from two team members. Other than that, to compare the risk management`s method of FMEA and HTA should be judged on the nature of each corporation. To chose the most suitable way of judgment and build up the fire control safety system in order to lower the corporation risk.