地球暖化議題加上全球能源價格高漲,各國無不積極提倡節能減碳。因此,對於學校而言,如何有效降低電費支出及避免能源浪費,是學校節能減碳的重要課題。過去校園節能大多著重在照明與空調的節省,對於電腦使用所造成的耗能則較少關注,本研究目的在於探討住宿學生使用電腦網路的行為習慣與用電量之關係,並提供適當之校園節能策略。 本研究以中央大學之住宿學生為研究對象,分析97學年度之上學期開學、期中考及期末考期間宿網IP(Internet Protocol)活動數據,以瞭解學生電腦開機使用情況。同時透過隨機抽樣問卷調查,研究學生電腦使用行為,並比較兩者之間的關聯性,以建立節能策略。 研究結果顯示中大住宿生之電腦開機數量與時間之關係呈現W型曲線。調查發現學生宿舍IP申請總數有5328個,平日開機數最高時段發生於下午19時至24時之間,最低發生於上午6時,研究發現最高平均開機數有4250個IP,而最低平均開機數仍有1939個IP,顯見凌晨睡覺時仍有一半左右電腦仍處於開機狀態。 本研究進行之問卷調查共得有效樣本349份,有效回收率99%。調查結果顯示24%學生的電腦大部份時間24小時不關機,而有26%的學生起床開機至睡前才關畢,其白天上課時間都不關機,可見有將近一半的學生缺乏隨手關機之習慣。 由IP活動與問卷結果比對發現平假日電腦未關機其主要有兩個時段,一為凌晨1時至上午7時,另一時段為上午8時至下午6時,推估每年產生消耗電力約82萬度電;每年電費支出164萬元,相當於排放524公噸CO2。建議學校對於電腦不關機的情況,應加強節能管理以減少用電進而有效減輕電費負擔。 Countries throughout the world are making aggressive appeals for carbon reduction as a result of global warming and energy price escalation. How to effectively cut electricity bills and avoid wasted energy has become a main issue for campus carbon reduction. Past studies emphasized on saving energy from lighting and air-conditioning, with little concern about electricity consumption from computer uses. This study thus investigated the correlations between network use habits in student halls and electricity consumption and recommended appropriate campus energy-saving strategies. Samples were students living in the student halls of National Central University (NCU). The IP activity data of the samples at the beginning of the first semester, mid-term examination, and final examination in academic year 2008 were analyzed to assess the computer use status of the samples. Also, a survey was conducted to investigate the computer use habits of students to find out the correlations between the status and habit of computer use in order to establish energy-saving strategies. Results indicate that the computer use quantity and time of samples form a W-shape curve. Survey results show that 5328 IPs have been applied from student halls. The peak session of computer use on weekdays is between 19:00 and 24:00; while the dip is 06:00. Results also show that the highest and lowest mean network occupancy is 4250 IPs and 1939 IPs respectively, suggesting that about half of these computers are still running when they are in sleep mode. The valid copies of recovered questionnaires are 349 (99%). Results indicate that 24% of the samples have their computers running around the clock; and 26% turn their computers on and off when they get up and before sleep respectively. As they do not turn the computer off when it is unused, this suggests that nearly 50% of the samples have not yet developed the habit of turning off unused computers. Comparisons of IP activity and survey results indicate that there are 2 major computer idling sessions on both weekdays and holidays: 01:00-07:00 and 08:00-18:00. It is estimated that idling computers consume up to 0.82MKWH of electricity a year, amounting to NT$1.64 million and emitting 524 tons of carbon dioxide. It is recommended that NCT reinforce energy consumption management in order to save energy and thereby effectively cut electricity bills.