配合TRR-II爐體改善研究計畫,進行反應器的爐體內流體對流現象受外力(如地震)作用影響,主要假設反應器的爐體內流體原本係有對流現象,當發生地震時由於不同地震波的震盪會帶動爐體與建築外壁間輕水液面的震盪,造成液面高度的改變及Free Surface Sloshing波動衝擊,進而造成整體流體壓力震盪現象,對於這種造成高度改變的靜壓力及影響液體波動型態的動壓力均會對爐體結構造成一定的動態負荷,進一步造成爐壁與液體間的流固互制現象。本研究計畫將使用解析解及有限元素法,分別求解TRR-II爐體受地震或其他外力狀況下,其爐內流體所產生的靜態壓力及流體非穩態波動對爐體結構之應力影響,經由有限元素法(FEM)分析先進行簡單的模型分析,再依爐體形狀進行各種形狀爐體其內流體因外力所產生的動態負荷模擬分析。期由這些數值研究中獲得爐內輕水因地震等外力造成高度改變的靜壓力及流體非穩態波動對反應爐重水槽內、外壁,及爐心燃料格框壁的應力影響。並以這些資料作為爐體整體結構分析的輸入資料。 The dynamic response of liquid storage tank with submarine solid cylinder, including the hydrodynamic interaction, subjected to earthquake excitations will be studied by finite element method in this proposal. Both The free surface sloshing and the fluid-structure interaction of the fluid inside the TRR II reactor will be carried out. Early developments of seismic response of liquid storage tanks which were considered the container to be rigid and focused on the dynamic response of the contained liquid. But for the flexibly anchored tanks, be solved. For the rigid tank case, the fluid is moving together with the rigid tank, the sloshing modes will change the vertical displacement of the fluid free surface. For the flexibility tank case, the interactions between the deformable wall of the tank and the fluid need to be solved. And for the real reactor case, the fluid in the reactor is flow from the outer reinforced concrete wall tank to the inner tank. . The fluid inside the TRR II reactor is the force convection flow. If there are earthquake, however, the fluid flow type will be change. The Hydrodynamic Effect and Fluid-structure interaction of the TRR II reactor are more complexity. We will investigate the hydrodynamic phenomena for elastic, liquid-filled tanks with submarine solid cylinder using the FEM code. 研究領域:8807 ~ 8906