運研所自八十九年度起即著手開發整合地理資訊系統、衛星定位系統與photologging等技術之公路基本資料調查系統,研究將公路實地攝影相片配合基本資料整合儲存於電腦中,以利資料管理、查詢及修改等作業。並透過數位影像資料之連續撥放,於各種場合中展現道路現況實景照片,減少公路實地踏勘之次數及時間,節省相關研究之人、物力成本,提升研究效率與品質。八十九年度完成道路行進間實地取像及資料管理系統雛形,九十及九十一年度利用此系統進行北部地區共一千六百多公里的省縣道調查及公路基本資料的電子化,並透過實地調查的過程,同時檢討既有系統之軟硬體設備及人機操作界面,簡化系統的操作性及提升系統的功能性。本研究乃係延續前述研究之成果,分年分期進行全省主要道路基本資料庫(特別是數位影像資料)之構建工作,本年度之調查及建構之資料庫將以中部區域為主,調查範圍及所涵蓋公路路線,共約八百九十公里的省縣道公路之資料庫。 Since twenty century, Institute of Transportation starts to develop and integrate technique for database of highway investigate system including GIS, GPS and photologging. It is a researching of the photos in field to match up database saving in the computers. Because of it can easy to work about the management, looking up or correct data. It also can run continue data by way of the digital images in every occasions shows the reality photo of roads. This method not only can release times to live collate, also can save the cost of labor power and material resources. It can promote the efficiency and quality of research. A model of the data management system of marching forward road photo in field has been completed in 2000 D.C.. It was investigated database in the provincial capital road are more than 1600 km are been collected in computer. Research in this year is to give first place to the middle area in Taiwan. 研究期間:9203 ~ 9211