台灣電力公司已建置的「整合型閃電落雷偵測系統」(Liao,2004),其功能為可提供台灣地區高解析度之雲對地(CG)及雲間(IC)閃電觀測資料。如此項系統能與氣象資訊結合,進而開發出相關的閃電-雷雲系統-豪大雨分析預報系統,則可作為水力發電負載預測,輸電系統事故預防,及水資源調配等的應用,進而創造有利的水力經濟效益。本計畫的主要研究目標為追蹤閃電路徑與相關的氣象參數,同時進行雷雲含雨量、雷雨系統降雨強度和移動過程預測等之研究。我們將應用一系列已開發完成之大氣模式,整合閃電雷達降雨分析系統,和四維資料同化模擬系統以整合閃電落雷資料,進行雷雨系統的降雨和路徑的模擬研究。透過本研究,我們預期將能夠建立台灣地區降雨、閃電(IC和CG)、雷達和衛星觀測等之關係。同時藉由應用高解析度氣象模式,模擬分析雷雨系統的移動以及建立閃電資料對降雨預報準確度的影響,並且評估閃電降雨預報對調度機組出力與水利資源調配之經濟效益。 The Taiwan Power Corporation has setup, maintained, and operated a new Total Lightning Detection System (TLDS) in Taiwan since November 2002. The TLDS network is operated based on a VAISALA SAFIR 3000 lightning system. The entire TLDS network has 7 ground-based stations covering an area of about 500 km by 500 km (between longitudes 118E and123E, and between latitudes 21N and 26 N). Here we propose a study aims at combining the TLDS lightning data with other meteorological data for researching a quantitative precipitation estimate (QPE) and quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) system in Taiwan. In this study, lightning information collected by the TLDS network will be integrated with radar data, the surface raingage measurements, and a high-resolution mesoscale meteorological modelling system for developing a lightning-based QPF system in Taiwan. The main goals of this research including tracking the movements of lightning and key meteorological parameters, investigating the amount of precipitable water associated with the thunder clouds, and conducting numerical experiments on the predictability of thunder clouds, including their strength and movements. A hierarchy of three-dimensional atmospheric models, an integrated lightning-radar-satellite analysis system, and a data assimilation modelling system will be employed in this work to conduct the predictability experiments of thunder clouds. This research will quantify the potential benefit for a lightning-based QPF system, including estimate of hydroelectric power capacity, lightning risk assessment for the electric power distribution system, and optimal use of water resource and water resource management. 研究期間:9304 ~ 9503