隨著環境變遷,石門水庫供水責任與負擔日益加重,而且枯旱缺水問題亦逐年顯現,尤其近三年來北部桃園新竹地區連續調用農業用水支援民生及產業用水,導致數萬公頃農地停灌休耕,除增加政府財政壓力及造成生態環境之危害外,也造成各標的用水單位對於水資源分配、調用方式及移用水價格等之爭議,因此探討石門水庫灌區缺水時期農業用水支援民生、產業用水之灌溉營運因應措施與農業用水移用之相關問題為當前之要務。 According to social environment tranformation, the water supplying responsiblity and load have been added to Shihmen Reservoir. Moreover, drought and water deficit plight has come out year after year. Especially in lastest three years, Agriculture water of Taoyuan and Hsinchu regions had be transferred consecutively to supply domestic and industrial utilization. The consequence led to irrigation suspension and fallow was executed on farmland of thousands hectares. It was Not only raise the goverment's financial pressure and ecosystem destruction was boosted, but also had controversy between allocation, exchange procedure and transferal cost of water resource. Therefore, it's an important task to research the irrigation strategies when agriculture water tranferred to sustain domestic and industrial utilization, and solved related questions. 研究期間:9401 ~ 9412