摘要: | 申請單位受國科會科教處委託,於 95 年辦理第一屆「李國鼎科技與人文藝術獎」(簡稱KT 科藝獎,兼取國鼎先生英文縮寫與Knowledge Taiwan 之意),反應熱烈,得獎作品獲評審高度肯定,得到原先所預期藝術與科技結合的效果,也展示了我國大專院校在此方面的能量。為了持續推動能量之擴大,擬在第一屆的基礎上,吸取國內外舉辦科技藝術相關競賽之經驗,提出「科技與人文藝術創意競賽試辦計畫(II)」,續辦第二屆「KT 科藝獎」。在獎項分類部分,保留「電腦動畫」、「數位遊戲」組,但更名「網路內容」組為「網路藝術」組,使其能更明白地顯示比賽所強調創意發想以及與藝術結合的精神。除此以外,考量目前國外主流科技藝術競賽及展演內容,我們增加了「互動式數位藝術」組,以鼓勵國內相關能量之建立與提升。計畫工作項目主要分為三個階段。在第一階段,主要工作重點為巡迴演講、宣導及作品收件。在第二階段,除頒發獲獎各組得獎者獎狀與獎金外,?了讓有志於朝數位科技內容發展者,有機會吸取國際經驗,將協助安排決賽優勝者參加國外科技藝術研討會及展覽,進行參訪活動。在第三階段中,我們將設立「國鼎人文藝術科學營」,讓競賽入圍的團隊優先加入科學營,並且廣邀歐美亞太及國內專研於「知識經濟」與「數位內容」領域的專家及業者前來指導,讓得獎者、國內外專業與業界人士,共同分享投入知識內容產業,以及參加國外科技藝術研討會及展覽的經驗,以進一步推廣比賽的精神。此科學營的性質類似上年度執行科藝獎後續計畫時,與「學學文創志業」所合辦的數位科藝論壇(詳後),但範圍將更擴大。本計畫目的預期目標為: 1. 推動台灣科技與藝術的結合,並與國際趨勢接軌。 2. 營造產學合作接觸之平台。 3. 提升技術創新,激發台灣數位創意產業。「活在創意生活中,人會變得更美麗;活在創意生活中,人會變得更有智慧;活在創意生活中,人會變得更快樂。」這是目前歐美各國民眾追求創意相關生活品質提升的寫照。在數位資訊時代裡,各國為達到這樣一個理想,紛紛發展「數位創意」的新興產業,至今已經創造出龐大的經濟產值,成為不可忽視的一個重要經濟發展方向。台灣在這方面也應加緊努力;我們期望藉由本計畫之執行,提升台灣在科技藝術的能量,並壯大我國數位創意產業之規模。 This applicant implemented the NSC-sponsored 「The First K. T. Creativity Award」 in 2006. It was well received, attracting a large number of participants, and the awarded pieces were highly regarded by the referees. It achieved the planned purpose – to promote the application of technology to arts and humanities. Based on this successful experience, we would like to submit this proposal to organize the Second Creativity Award in 2007 in order to continuously promote such activities among the faculty members and students of Taiwan』s colleges and universities. We propose that in this second competition, there will be four categories. The first three categories will be the same as in 2006, but the title of the 2006 「web vision」 category will be changed to 「net art」 to make it clearer and closer to the original conceptulization. The fourth category will be 「interactive digital art」, which has become one of the increasingly important categories in mainstream competitions and exhibitions around the world and deserves heavy promotion in Taiwan. In sum, the four categories this year will be Computer Animation, Digital Game, Net Art, and Interactive Digital Art. The actual implementation will be in three stages. Stage One features tour promotion of the Award and receiving submissions. In Stage Two, there will be the process of choosing the winners and sending the top winners to competitions/exhibitions overseas such as the SIGGRAPH. In Stage Three, we will hold the K. T. Technology and Art Camp, where winners, experts from Taiwan and abroad as well as practioners in the industry will interact with other, learning from each others』experiences. This camp will be similar to but larger in scope than the Digital Tech-Art Forum, which has been held as a follow-up activity to the First Award (to be detailed below). The planned goals to be achieved by this submission are: 1. Promote the interaction between technology and art in Taiwan and let these activities be aligned with what happens on the international scene. 2. Construct a platform where experts, artists, and the industry can interact. 3. Promote technological progress in artistic applications in order to help the development of the digital contents industry in Taiwan. 「People become more beautiful, wiser, and happier through innovative living.」 Indeed, this signifies the upgrading of the quality of life people in the advanced countries have been pursuing. To achieve the purpose, these countries promote vehemently the digital creative industry and have achieved substantial progress. This reminds us that it is time for us in Taiwan to do the same. It is hoped that through the implementation of the K. T. Creativity Award, the capacity of creative arts can be enhanced, and the digital creative industry can be firmly established and be allowed to flourish in Taiwan. 研究期間:9605 ~ 9704 |