摘要: | 近幾年來,服務學習的概念在大專院校中越來越受到重視。透過服務學習不僅能幫助學習者習得專業知識,更能進一步培養與建立學生的公民社會責任。在教師培訓的過程中,不只著重在教育專業知識上的培養,同時,也強調專業倫理以及正確工作態度的建立。因此,本研究將服務學習的概念融入師資培育過程中,透過線上課輔的方式來進行。 本研究主要探討線上課輔教師在課輔活動中的教學情形、影響線上課輔活動進行的因素以及了解師資生參與線上課輔活動後的感想與建議。研究者透過問卷、訪談以及錄影進行資料上的收集,並依照上述問題對資料進行分析。 研究發現,線上課輔活動是一種利用資訊科技進行遠距教學的活動。因此,在正式進行教學前需要設計教學活動協助課輔教師瞭解系統操作以及教學流程。在實際教學中,系統的穩定性、課輔學生的學習態度以及遠距教學帶來的不可控制感,會影響線上課輔教師的教學意願。從研究中也發現,線上課輔教師透過參與線上課輔活動,更了解未來教學對象的想法以及互動方式,並從參與課輔活動的過程中,與課輔學生建立良好的師生關係與友誼。除此之外,參與線上課輔活動也提供線上課輔教師將課堂的教學理論與實際教學情境進行結合的機會,對於未來將進入教學現場的老師是有幫助的。 Recently, more and more universities and colleges pay attention on service-learning. Through service-learning, the learners not only can acquire academic knowledge, but also develop their social responsibility. During the teacher training, both educational professional knowledge and the correct teaching attitude are important. Therefore, in this research, the researcher integrated the concept of service-learning into teacher training through online tutoring. In this research, we focus on how pre-service teachers teach in e-tutor program, what factors would affect the pre-service teachers’ online tutoring, and the pre-service teachers’ feeling and comments about e-tutor program. The researcher collected the data through questionnaires, voice record of interview and video record of sharing meeting. then analysis the data according the research questions. The researcher found that because online tutoring need to use much information technology, before the tutoring, some activities should be designed to help pre-service teachers realize how to use the technology to each online. The stability of the X-learn system, the learning attitude of the students would affect the online tutoring. From this research, the research found that through participating in e-tutor program, the pre-service teachers know more about their students’ thought, learn how to interact with their students, and develop good relationship with their students. Besides, joining in e-tutor program provided the pre-service teachers a chance to combine the theory and teaching practice together, and that helpful for them. |