本研究針對園區的建築物部分,提供耐震能力評估的方法。以期在為數眾多的建築物之中,先以快速的篩選方式,找出耐震能力較差的建築物,經過詳細的評估,對建築物的耐震能力提供建議,以做為後續耐震補強的依據、參考。 首先使用快速目視耐震評估,利用簡單的表格勾選的方式,對大量的建築物進行最快速、最初步的耐震能力評估,並且加以排序。針對需要設立門檻值,對於在門檻值之下的建築物初步判定耐震能力可能不足,必須要進入下一階段的詳細評估。 第二階段的詳細耐震評估則是對評估為耐震能力不足的建築物進行,針對不同的結構形式,以不同的評估方法進行。在詳細評估之後若發現耐震能力不足,則建議必須進行電子計算機的分析,以整個結構物進行分析並決定耐震能力足夠與否、必須加固或是使用其他加強耐震能力的方法。 The propose of this project provides the seismic evaluation methods for the buildings in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. Firstly , using the Rapid Screening Procedure to rapidly and easily identify those buildings that might pose a risk of loss of life or injury in the event of a damaging earthquake . If a building receives a low score and is thus determined to be potentially hazardous , that building would receive a further study . The second step of the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings provides a method for evaluating Existing buildings to identify those that are likely to be seismically hazardous . Aiming different structure types , using different evaluating methods . If the ability of resisting earthquake is insufficient , suggesting to do further analysis of the total building or update.