本研究目的是探討閱讀能力高低不同的國小學童在閱讀附有插圖的科學文章時,其所產生的閱讀理解策略,以深究閱讀能力不同的讀者在圖文閱讀中閱讀理解的情形。本研究採用放聲思考的方式,從學童的口述資料直接了解學童如何運用閱讀理解策略,並且能注意到插圖中的細節等,進而在圖文之間整併訊息而得以理解文章內容。研究結果顯示無論高或低能力學生均會利用與先備知識相關的策略進行理解,例如聯想延伸。當進行放聲思考的內容分析時,則發現高能力學生的解釋會緊扣文章主題或該段落的概念,所以較不偏離文章大意;而低能力學生卻會受限於段落的文字,延伸該字詞的意涵,因此對於該篇文章的理解就會產生偏移。在插圖閱讀的部份:高能力的學生在閱讀插圖時,不僅會注意到插圖內部的細節,同時也會閱讀搭配插圖的相關文字;而低能力的學生,較無法對應文字及相關的插圖內容,所以顯得較廣泛性地閱讀插圖,少注意到插圖內部的細節,且會因插圖色調的顯著性而著重看某區域。組織性插圖有時間性的特色,因此學生閱讀時會按照其順序閱讀,並且多著重於第一張插圖的細節;詮釋性插圖的訊息量較多,所以學生看圖的次數會較組織性插圖多,並且多以文章中的科學概念作為閱讀插圖的指引。 The objectives of the study were to investigate the reading strategies of elementary school students when they read science text with illustrations and to explore the process of how learners integrate information from text and illustration and how the characteristics of learners influence the process of learning from science text. The participants were 32 sixth grade students and they were grouped into high- and low- ability subgroups, based on their performance on a reading comprehension test. In order to explore the strategies adopted by students, they were asked to “think aloud” when they read two illustrated science texts. The reading materials included two expository science texts, one with an organizational illustration, and the other with an interpretational illustration. The results indicated that both groups of students frequently activated prior knowledge to assist their comprehension of the text contents. Students in the high ability group often had prior knowledge related to the main concepts, while students in the low ability group were more inclined to focus on their previously unrelated knowledge or experience of some particular words, which might obstruct their understanding of the contents. When analyzing students’ reading behaviors, the results showed that students in the high-ability group were more likely to inspect the illustrations carefully to attend to the detailed features and they also spent more time reading the corresponding text. Students in the low-ability group tended to divide their attention depending on the colors and layouts of the adjunct illustrations. Because the organizational illustrations were presented with particular sequences, they were processed according the flow of the accompanying text material. When presented with the interpretational illustration, the results showed that students were more inclined to direct their attention based on the text relatedness of the illustration.