本研究主要是以橫斷發展性研究之方式,探討新移民家庭子女口語敘說能力的發展情形,及輔以問卷調查之方式,探討家庭背景環境變項與其表現之相關性。研究對象為新移民家庭子女與一般家庭子女各33名,分別為中班(10人)、大班(11人)和小一(12人)幼童,共66名。研究設計是透過幼童自行敘說無字圖畫書之歷程,個別蒐集其口語敘說語料。資料分析是從鉅觀結構與微觀結構兩面向來探討其構成內涵與差異情形,前者以故事結構分析幼童在各故事結構要素組成與表現特徵,後者為比較其凝聚詞彙的使用情形。研究結果主要四項發現,一、新移民家庭子女的連貫能力表現並未隨著年齡增長而不同,且較一般家庭子女表現來得差。二、新移民家庭子女的凝聚能力因著年齡的不同而有所差異,且表現與一般家庭子女相當。三、母親的社經地位越高,新移民家庭子女之口語敘說整體能力越好。四、親子互動的相關變項皆未達統計上的顯著水準。本研究試圖對新移民家庭子女語言發展情況能有所了解,以針對現狀提供必要之協助與建議。 The purpose of the study was to exam the structural development of New Taiwanese Children's narratives and the effects of background variables (e.g., age, vocabulary size, maternal socioeconomic status, parent-child shared book reading experience) on their narratives. Participants were 66 children of three age groups (5-, 6-, and 7-year-old). Half of the children were New Taiwanese Children born to immigrant women from Southeast Asian countries and the other half were Taiwanese Children. Each child was asked to produce oral narratives using a wordless picture book. Children's narratives were analyzed for coherence and for cohesion. The results suggested that the performance of New Taiwanese Children's narrative coherence did not differ significantly by age, but scored lower than Taiwanese Children. However, age-related differences were observed both in New Taiwanese Children and Taiwanese Children's narrative cohesion. Overall, narratives were not related to background variables in New Taiwanese Children except maternal socioeconomic status.