隨著無線寬頻技術的演進,目前的基地台已經無法滿足逐漸成長的頻寬需求,然而不論是語音或是資料服務,有超過60%的使用者都是在室內使用,所以設置可提供無線室內寬頻網路的設備將會是下一代網路的重要議題。而以目前的趨勢來看,Relay 與Femtocell 將會是兩個重要的提供室內覆蓋的重要技術。不論在IEEE 或是3GPP 的規格中,都已經有部分的規格,然而在實際的佈建上卻會遇到許多的問題,如時間同步、干擾管理等問題。我們在第一年先由Femtocell 技術開始研究,由於Femtocell 是使用者安裝之設備,所以對服務提供商來說,充滿了許多佈建上的挑戰。我們會先將研究放在時間同步的方法,接下來則是因應後端網路頻寬而動態調整無線通道頻寬。而第二年將會針對 Relay 的部分做研究,LTE-A 規格目前剛開始Relay 的討論,所以會跟隨規格制定的進度研讀與分析其造成的影響。除此之外,消除干擾是我們第二年的研究重點,在同時具有Femtocll 與Relay 的網路中,有效的減少干擾將會大幅提升系統之效能。第三年則為Relay 的服務品質保證(QoS)與流量控制設計出動態調適之機制,為了相容於既有規格的服務品質保證,所以Relay 需要加入服務品質保證對應方式,才能以變動最少的前提下符合服務品質保證。除此之外,流量控制則為確保傳輸之可靠性。此計畫會以OPNET 網路模擬器與數學分析來驗證所設計通訊協定之正確性,並且做系統整合之工作,最終的目標為改善室內傳輸技術遇到之瓶頸,並使其能動態調適得到最好之系統效能。 As the wireless broadband technology evaluates, the base station cannot satisfy the growing requests of bandwidth. However, more than 60% of users use either voice or data services in indoor environment. As a result, the indoor communication technology like Femtocell or Relay is the key issue for next generation communication technology. Both the Femtocell and the Relay are specified in the standards of IEEE 802.16 and 3GPP. However, indoor deployment suffers several challenges like time synchronization and interference management. In order to successfully carry out the project, we plan a 3-year project. In the first year, we focus on the Femtocell technology. Because the Femtocell is setup by users in their home or office, it is hard for service provider to manage them. We will propose some methods to achieve time synchronization between base station and Femtocell and adjust the wireless bandwidth via backhaul network bandwidth. Then, our research will focus on the other indoor technology, Relay. Because the 3GPP just starts discussing the design principle of Relay, we will discuss the impact of the LTE/LTE-A network with Relays. Meanwhile, we will design methods to alleviate the affection of interference caused by Femtocell and Relay to improve the system throughput. In the third year, we will design the QoS and flow control mechanism. To adopt the existing architecture, the new QoS mapping is needed for Relay to guarantee the QoS requirement. And the flow control mechanism is to improve the reliability. In this project, we will use the OPNET network simulator and mathematical analysis to verify our algorithm. Finally, we hope to design suitable protocol to solve the problem of indoor deployment and utilize the system efficiency. 研究期間:9908 ~ 10007