本論文討論凱薩格林式雙反射太陽能集光模組設計,主要架構是由一拋物面反射主鏡結合一非成像雙曲面反射次鏡,將太陽光匯聚到太陽能電池接收面,增加太陽能電池的使用效率。利用光學軟體建立分析模型,考慮太陽光單一波長550nm和太陽光擴散角0.267度下,找到最佳反射鏡形狀參數。而為了增加太陽能電池的使用效率及提昇容忍角度,設計與雙反射式集光模組搭配的二次光學元件。本研究共探討三種類型的二次光學元件,分別為金字塔型、方-圓型與圓錐型,其中又可細分為折射式與反射式二次光學元件,並以參數式分析進行二次光學元件的最佳化設計,並利用找出的最佳參數組合進行組裝誤差敏感性分析。最後針對雙反射式共面集光模組進行熱變形分析,探討溫度導致集光模組之光學元件產生熱變形對聚光特性的影響。 The present invention is a solar energy system which includes an optical assembly and a non-imaging concentrator. The optical assembly includes a primary mirror and a secondary mirror. The optical assemble solar radiation to the non-imaging concentrator where the radiation is output to a photovoltaic cell for conversion to electricity. The ray tracing software is utilized to simulate the optical characteristics of the model to effectively find the optimal mirror shapes, and solar incoming light to consider single wave 550nm and solar diffusible light 0.267 degrees。 In order to increase the efficiency of solar cells and reduce the error angle of the impact on the system, Second Optical Elements (SOE) is designed to collocate double reflective solar concentrator for the case without moving the detector. Three different types of SOE is discussed, including Pyramid type, Square-Circle type and Cone type. Parameter method is also applied with the optical simulations in order to find the best SOE design parameters, and to simulate with the best design parameters of the assemble tolerance. Finally, thermal deformation of the double reflective solar concentrator was analyzed by finite element method (FEM). The deformed mirror geometry determined from FEM was imported into ray tracing simulation to investigate the effects of temperature variations on the mirror.