航空公司飛航班表通常一年可分為兩季或兩季以上。當某季的飛航班表要轉換至次一季時,由於兩季變動因素,造成兩季之間的飛航班表差異變大。 本論文提出一個在兩季之間建立緩衝期的方法與模式,作為飛航班表在劇烈轉換中的橋樑,以利飛航班次轉換之銜接。在緩衝期中,航班變動尚需考量其他相關條件的配合性,並在滿足飛機維修的條件限制下,使飛航班表在季與季的銜接更為平順。 本模式透過時空網路架構,建立飛航班表的轉換模式,求解出在緩衝期中飛航排程的最佳排程,以達到降低公司營運成本之目標。並分兩個部份求解。先使用整數規劃軟體(CPLEX)解出機隊排程,然後利用啟發式流量分解法求得每一飛機之排程路線。 並以中華航空公司飛航班表為實例,探討並驗證緩衝期方法的可行性。 Airlines usually have to plan one or more than one season’s flight timetables in one year. As one season’s flight timetable is translated to the other, it is not easy to smoothly connect two timetables because of significant difference between them. In particular, operating constraints, such as crew, maintenance and other constraints, must be satisfied in the transition. In this thesis, we propose a time-space network model that introduces a buffer period to connect two different season’s flight timetables. The model is expected to be an effective planning tool that can assist the carrier in flight scheduling and fleet routing during the transition of two connected seasons. Mathematically, the model is formulated as a mixed integer program. We first use the CPLEX package to solve the model. Then, we apply a flow decomposition algorithm to trace each airplane route during the buffer period. To demonstrate the application of the model to the real word, we perform a case study regarding the operation of China Airlines in East Asia.