摘要 輕軌運輸系統為介於高運量大眾捷運系統與低運量公車系統間之中運量大眾運輸系統,且可因地制宜擁有各種路權型式,因此符合新興都會區之交通需求。欲設置輕軌除要考慮其路權型式、設站方式、車站佈設方式、輕軌引進該都市之可行性及輕軌對於環境之影響評估外,尚需一套適用之號誌控制系統。 本研究針對輕軌通過號誌化獨立路口做探討,以新竹市輕軌為實例測試對象,使用B型路權,路面設置輕軌專用道,另外與輕軌同向之車流禁止左轉,欲左轉之車流可提前於上一路口或延後到下一路口再進行轉向。本研究並以數學規劃方式構建模式,依等候模型概念構建目標式,程式以C語言撰寫而成。研究中提出固定時制方案、固定週期方案及不固定週期方案三種方案,針對輕軌到達路口時是否准予優先通行及各種方案於不同流量組合與輕軌乘載人數對於路口績效值之影響作分析比較。 研究中以新竹市輕軌行經之路口作為實例分析之對象,將實地調查所得之資料代入模式中,依不同方案及其他模式輸入進行結果之分析比較。根據各種不同實例分析之輸出結果,歸納出結論與建議,並透過此號誌控制策略之分析,作為實際應用之參考。 Abstract LRT (Light Rail Transit) is part of Medium Capacity Transport System suit developing city, and many advantageous positions such as low cost, enviroenvironment protective, low noise, is a potential transit system . Except consider the type of station ,the right of way and adaptability on LRT for introducting LRT into Taiwan, on the side, has to choise the applicabl signal control system. The main object of this research was to develop LRT signal control system for independent intersection. Using flexible signal control to lower the delay when LRT crossing the intersection. There are three proposals, including fixed-phase signal, fixed-cycle time signal and non- fixed-cycle time signal.This research using Borland C language to solve thses Mathematical Programming Models. Comparing the effects of these proposals, chosing the most effective one . This research use a case study of applying LRT signal control in Hsin Chu, input data about the real intersection, and analyzing the output to judge which proposal is the optimu, and induce conclusions and propositions to be applied in real intersection.