本研究以適應性角速度弗德-卡曼濾波階次追蹤(Vold-Kalman Filtering Order Tracking, VKF_OT)為演算法基礎,使用數位訊號處理器為計算核心,並配合以LabVIEW撰寫之使用者介面,發展一套可應用於旋轉機械的即時監控系統。當機械系統運轉時,藉由此監控系統即時追蹤由傳動元件或是因機械系統本身特性所產生之階次訊號,即可得知機械系統當時運轉狀態。研究中為了證明即時監控系統追蹤結果之有效性,先由模擬訊號確認能夠正確濾出特定階次訊號;再分別應用於軸頸軸承轉子系統與滾珠軸承轉子系統機台之監測,藉由在兩種機台上所進行的實驗證明即時監控系統能夠正確且立即的追蹤階次訊號。 The study bases on the adaptive angular-velocity VKF_OT algorithm, implemented with DSP chips and coded with the user interface of LabVIEW to build a real-time condition monitoring system. When a rotary machinery is running, we can know the operation status by using the real-time condition monitoring system to track order signal caused by transmission elements. The tracking results show the effectiveness though processing two synthetic signatures composed of different order/spectral components. Additionally, two experimenta1 tasks are designed to further justify the developed real-time condition monitoring system in practical works.