在台灣,改裝後的殘障機車是脊椎損傷患者最常使用的交通工具。本研究以殘障電動車為對象,目的在整合CAD設計與CAE分析等電腦模擬技術,進行殘障載具設計開發。研究內容將探討不同的人(騎乘載重、行車速度)、車(輔助輪形式、電池位置)、路(路面型態)等因素,對於車架的乘坐舒適性及結構耐久性之影響。本研究並將於路況模擬系統上進行實車測試,以驗證其模擬結果。 首先,在系統動態模擬部分,主要使用Pro/ENGINEER軟體建立殘障電動車車架模型,並將該車體模型匯入ADAMS軟體進行全車動態模擬,藉此獲得殘障電動車車架結構在路面行駛時所受到的負荷及加速度歷程。接著,將所得之加速度歷程代入ISO 2631-1規範之換算公式,可得駕駛人之乘坐舒適性程度。另外,將殘障電動車車架模型匯入ANSYS軟體中,並以所得之負荷歷程作為受力條件,可進行該車架之動態應力分析及疲勞壽命評估,並得知殘障電動車車架的結構耐久壽命。 經由分析可得知,電動代步車在動態響應模擬與實車測試所得之均方根加速度誤差為3.29%,而在結構應力分析與實車測試所得之應變振幅誤差為0.58%,顯見本研究所開發出之電腦數值模擬技術具有優異的準確性。此外,研究結果亦指出,當車速越高或路面越顛簸,車架的乘適性與耐久性變差。當車輛載重越重時,車架的加速度響應較好,耐久性卻較差。將電池放置在腳踏板正下方時,車架的乘適性、耐久性較好。相信本研究結果對於國內廠商在設計新型殘障電動車或改良時有所幫助。 In Taiwan, most disabled People use modified scooter to solve their demand in traffic. The purpose of this study is to build a numerical simulation technology by integrating CAD modeling and CAE analysis for modified e-scooter. The research will discuss the effect of different on-road factors such as road type, battery position, auxiliary wheel type, rider’s weight and velocity on riding comfort and fatigue durability. Furthermore, the accuracy of numerical simulation technology was testified by a high-fidelity road simulator. In this study, two different experiments were designed. The objective of the first experiment was to verify the accuracy of numerical simulation. The objective of the second experiment was to understand the effect of on-road factors on riding comfort and fatigue durability of modified e-scooter frame. On the development of numerical simulation technology, we used the Pro/Engineer to create a scooter frame and imported it into the ADAMS for whole vehicle dynamic vibrating simulation. Then, we calculated the acceleration history and loading history. The second, we adopted the ISO 2631-1 standard to evaluate the riding comfort level. Meantime, we imported the loading history into the ANSYS software and calculated the stress history of e-scooter frame. Finally, we used the high cycle fatigue theory to evaluate fatigue durability. Experimental data showed that the simulated results of ADAMS and ANSYS analyses were similar to those of road simulation testing. It verified the accuracy of the present numerical simulation. Moreover, analytic results revealed that higher velocity or tossing road would lead to the inferior riding comfort and fatigue durability of e-scooter frame. The increase of rider’s weight resulted in better riding comfort but poor fatigue durability. When battery under the e-scooter bottom would lead to better riding comfort and fatigue durability. We believed that these findings would be helpful for company which would improve the e-scooter design.