摘要 近年來,國內出現大量的高層建築,這些高樓結構物,有別於傳統 的鋼筋混凝土建築,具有質量輕、強度高、高寬比大、自然振動頻率低 與阻尼低之特性,對風敏感性增加,使得風力作用成為地震之外,在結 構設計時必須考慮的重要因素,特別是位於西太平洋颱風區,風害頻繁 的台灣。高層結構物振動與紊流風場之間的互制現象是一個相當複雜的 問題,到目前為止,並無適當的理論或數值模式可準確地預測,工程界 仍仰賴風洞模型實驗,配合實地的風場資料來評估結構物受風力的動態 反應。 本研究將裝設調和液柱阻尼器高樓結構模型置於邊界層風場中,量 測結構物在不同風速時,其順、橫風向風力與結構反應的時間歷時。此 系統可視為二自由度之運動方程式,以氣動力阻尼係數修正此方程式, 由Davenport 順風向與Ohkuma & Kanaya 橫風向風力頻譜,利用數 值方法計算系統之氣動力反應、轉換函數與均方根反應。整合風洞實驗 與理論分析的結果,建立包括風場特性、結構外型、結構特性與調和液 柱阻尼器特性之分析模式,並對調和液柱阻尼器的效用進行評估,以瞭 解其對結構氣動力效應抑制的程度。 藉由本研究可瞭解結構物與風場之互制現象以及結構物受風之氣動 力反應,並結合調和液柱阻尼器,達到改善結構物抗風特性的目的,可 更精確地建立結構物受風力之反應模式,希望對國內結構耐風設計提供 一參考準則。 Due to the fact that high-strength, lightweight materials have been widely used in the construction of high-rise buildings in the recent year, wind-induced vibration of flexible and flexibly supported rigid body has become a research area of great interest. However, this phenomenon involves complex fluid-structure interaction. To this date, the understanding of the phenomenon remains incomplete. In this study, the aerodynamic behaviors of high-rise buildings with tuned liquid column dampers are experimentally investigated. Experiments are carried out in a large-scale atmospheric wind tunnel. By changing the natural frequency and damping ratio of structure, the amplitude and frequency of vibration are measured for a variety of wind conditions. The vortex shedding from a vibration structure are investigated to understand the lock-in phenomenon. Finally, the effectiveness of tuned liquid column damper to reduce wind-induced vibration are tested in this study. Results of this study can improve our understanding of the fluid-structure interactions and the design of highrise buildings.