全球網際網路目前已成為學習者獲得知識的一個重要來源地。但是,學習者在使用網路進行相關資訊探索時可能遭遇到許多難題,因此本研究希望建置一個以資料探勘為基底之「學習者為中心的知識網路學習系統」(簡稱「學習者為中心系統」)來協助學習者解決在網路探索活動時所出現的問題。 「學習者為中心系統」主要是結合兩個工具,第一為概念圖,此工具用來幫助學習者管理相關知識、第二為一混合式的資訊過濾與資訊檢索技術,此技術用來幫助學習者處理龐大的資訊量,並找出隱藏在這些資訊量中重要的概念。為了評估此系統如何影響學習者進行網路搜尋,所以本研究實做一實證性研究,受試人員共30人(男15人、女15人),每位受試者分別參加各別兩次實驗.當受試者完成每次實驗後都會填寫相關實驗問卷。研究者藉由分析受試者在不同的兩次實驗環境下進行網路搜尋,所有的網路資訊搜尋行為,發現部分行為有所差異。研究者藉由回收受試者所填寫得實驗問卷進行相關網路搜尋策略向度分析,發現受試者使用「學習者為中心系統」比一般「線上搜尋系統」有較好的效率與成效。 WWW has been become the information places for learners to acquire knowledge. However, learners may encounter many difficulties while exploring the web. This study develops a learner-centered design supporting learning from the web of knowledge to help students to learn during exploring the web of knowledge. The system combines concept map for knowledge management and a mechanism for filtering recommendation. To evaluate how and to what extent the system affects students in explorative learning; an empirical experiment with participants of 30 graduate students is conducted. Participants are randomly assigned in two scenarios and their searching process and results of questionnaires are analyzed. The result shows that the system may better benefit students to explore the web more efficiently and effectively than the group of participants without the system. The result also reveals that the participants’ exploring strategies may not vary with the implementation of different systems.