都會地區的建築物大多緊密相連,阻礙空氣流動,造成室外風場微弱,空氣不易流通。因此即使建築物前後皆有向外的窗戶開口,仍會導致建築物通風不良的狀況,室內容易產生悶熱、不舒適的居室環境。本研究計畫預備採用風洞實驗和多頻道電子壓力計量測受周遭其他建築物影響的建築物表面風壓,並用示蹤劑氣體濃度衰減法(Tracer gas technique)來量測建築物的通風換氣率。探討參數包括室外風場(包括風速、風向角)、建築物的大小、間距及排列方式,量測數據分析整理之後,將建立一個不需要利用計算流體動力學(CFD)的預測模式,來計算受周遭其他建築物影響的通風換氣率,期望此模式可提供建築設計者未來在評估、規劃都會地區的建築物通風之用,以期望能改進台灣的建築設計、通風環境與室內空氣品質,達到綠建築之節能、健康的理念。 In densely-populated areas, where buildings are grouped closely together, wind-driven ventilation is strongly influenced by the surrounding structures. The sheltering effect of the surrounding built-up environment can reduce the wind speed and wind-driven ventilation rate. This research project plans to conduct a series of wind tunnel experiments to investigate the wind-driven ventilation of building with other buildings surrounding it. The surface pressures will be measured by the multi-channel pressure scanner and the ventilation rate will be measured by the tracer gas technique. The influences of external wind speed, wind direction, the building size and distance between the buildings will be systemically studied. The experimental results will be analyzed and used to develop a ventilation model for buildings with surrounding buildings. This prediction model can provide the architects to evaluate the ventilation rate and thermal comfort of buildings in the urban areas. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107