摘要: | 依據數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫之總體規劃書,本計畫規劃數位典藏與數位學習的產業發展,遵循符合四大面向:(1)產品開發,建立SOP模式,(2)成果與應用面(市場機制),(3)商業模式與經營獲利,(4)國際化。按照四大面向,本計畫已於99年度進行電子白板準備度導入中小學機構試行,並研擬電子白板軟硬體規範,預計於100年建立電子書閱讀器準備度,及研擬電子白板與電子閱讀器之軟硬體規範,進行新興科技(如電子閱讀器、電子白板及智慧教室等)之產業市場調查,及數位學習與典藏之產值研究分析。並整合與協調產業發展,進行技術研發與產業推動,扮演數位典藏與數位學習產、官、學、研四方之整合單位。藉以提昇整合效益,並將數位典藏與數位學習產業推向國際化。透過定期的聯合策略規劃會議、蒐集整理數位典藏、數位學習、相關硬體(電子白板、學習機、電子閱讀器等)的產業需求與待改進事項,協調本計畫相關部會計畫,技術研發單位的研發成果也可以有效的方式移轉給業界與廠商。使產業發展與推動計畫達成總體規劃書設定之目標。本計畫最主要的目標係為推動產業成長,促進數位學習與數位典藏產業之產值,經過本計畫推動執行後,數位學習產業帶動核心產值成長由98年150億元成長至99年預估180億元,而其國際收入由98年10億元成長至15億,促進廠商投資金額每年達10億元。98年度首次執行之數位典藏產業化推動,根據拓墣產業研究所之調查結果預估,產值由97年的15.5億元成長至98年的19.23億元,成長超過3.7億元,99年預估產值將達23.85億元,成長4.62億元,100年預估產值達33億。本計畫預期於100年度帶動數位學習產業核心產值預計達210(含)億元以上。透過研析並建立學習終端有效融入學習之應用情境、服務模式與成功經驗,以提升國內教師之教學效能與使用者之學習成效,並促成學習終端相關產品與服務的產值預計達70億。輔導智慧教室產業鏈整體發展,推動國內正規、補教及海外科技教育市場的需求,促成智慧教室相關產品與服務之產值預計達50億元。研發成果部份,計畫執行至99年,共研發超過50項平台教材服務等相關技術,並獲得國內外16項專利,技轉廠商高達111家,技轉收入約達5000萬元,專利應用收入達1000萬,並降低業者相關開發成本達1.1億以上,刺激投資累計超過9億元以上,相關技術輔導直接或間接促進產值約達數十億元。 Based on Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program (the National Science and Technology Master Plan Program), this project is to plan the development of digital archives and e-Learning industries, which tends to follow on four lines: (1) the product is developed by standard operation procedure (SOP); (2) the results and applications are to meet market mechanism; (3) establish business model and gain profit, (4) be internationalized. In accordance with the four aspects, this program establishes electronic whiteboard, related hardware and software readiness and teaching material standards, in response to meet the demand of technological development, to integrate the industrial development, and to proceed technical research and industry promotion. This program plays the role to integrate various units such as the industry, officials, academia, and research, in order to enhance overall efficiency and promote the industries of digital archives and e-Learning to be internationalized. For achieving the objectives of the master plan of the Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, this industrial promotion and development project holds strategic planning meetings regularly, and collect the industrial needs from vendor’s of digital archives, e-Learning, and hardware (i.e. electronic whiteboards, learning devices, e-books, etc.). In addition, it coordinates the relevant ministries, and transfers the R & D results to the vendors in an effective way. The main goal of this project is to promote the industry growth, and stimulate the revenue of digital archive and e-Learning industries. After execution of the program in this year, the market size of the industry is expected to be promoted from NT$ 15 billion last year, up to NT$ 18 billion. The global revenue will grow from NT$ 1 billion to NT$ 1.5 billion, and the investment of the vendors will reach NT$ 1 billion as well. According to the survey estimate of Topology Research Institute, the market size of digital archives industry, which is executed by the first time in 2009, will grow from NT$ 1.55 billion in 2008 to NT$ 1.93 billion in 2009. The revenue will grow over NT$ 3.7 hundred million. The estimated revenue of 2010 will reach to NT 2.385 billion, and the total growth is NT$ 4.62 hundred million; In 2011, the estimated revenue will reach to NT$ 3.3 billion. In the year of 2011, the estimated revenue of promoting and stimulating this industry is expected to reach above NT$ 21 billion. The research and implementation of establishing learning terminal to effectively integrated into the learning situation e-Learning terminal model, the service model and successful cases are to promote national teachers’ teaching effectiveness and users’ learning effectiveness; and the output value of stimulating e-Learning terminal model, related industries and service will reach to NT$ 7 billion. The estimated revenue of the smart classroom related industries and service will expect to reach to 5 billion by integrating the industrial development of smart classroom and promoting the market need of education with technology to national formal and informal education and overseas. As to the research achievement of the project, the project, so far in 2010, has designed over 50 platforms and materials and related technology, and gain 16 national patents, 111 technology transfer associations, NT$ 50 million of technology transfer payment, the income of patent application reaches to NT$ 10 million. In addition, the cost reduction of related product development drives to NT$ 1.1 hundred million, the stimulation of investment has accumulated over 9 hundred million and the stimulated profit from related technological trainings directly and indirectly reaches about NT$ 1 billion. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012 |