如今智慧型裝置蓬勃發展,人們生活中,越來越依賴手機,使得人們改變了對手機的使用習慣,除了講電話,也提供了上網搜尋、基本文書處理、email等功能。想像隨身攜帶智慧型手機在環境中,藉由定位功能,萬一發生天災、火災,也可以藉由智慧型手機帶我們逃開危險的地方,且更安心快速的得到資訊。由於上述原因,本論文重點在於,利用Google提供的Android SDK來開發自己所需要的應用程式,已經快速成為程式設計的目標,然而手機提供wifi、HSDPA、bluetooth、zigbee,都可以藉由手機得到資訊,且在最短的時間裡面完成。Nowadays, the more mobile devices are being developed, the more people relay on use mobile phones in their lives. And Beyond changing people’s usage, mobile phones are not just only for communication anymore and there are more functions included, for instance, online research, basic words processing, emails, and so on. technigue, not only people are able to escape from danger by using smart mobile phones while facing disasters, but also get information conveniently. Due to the reason above, the aim of this thesis talks about using Android SDK from Google to develop own needed processes, for the target of programming Hence otherwise,mobile phone provide wifi、HSDPA、bluetooth、zigbee to get information in the shortest time.