在此論文提出一個具有垂直分岔光路的雙輸出矽基光學連接模組,此模組將高分子聚合物光波導與數個矽基45°微反射面整合形成一組垂直分光器,此分光器具有將光訊號一分為二的功能,為此光學連接模組提供了兩組可進行三維光學傳輸的光學通道。此光學連接模組具有用來分光的三組45°微反射面,高頻傳輸線、雷射封裝所使用的銀銦焊料,以及導光的高分子聚合物光波導。 在光學特性上,此光學連接模組的總耗損為-6.6 dB,分光比例為0.124 : 0.095。此一分為二的垂直分光器使得矽基光學平台得以具有雙輸出通道。模組高頻電特性(high-frequency response)量測上,證明兩個通道均能通過10-G Ethernet的眼罩測試,由此可驗證此光學連接模組具備雙通道10-Gbps的資料傳輸能力。In this thesis, the silicon-based 10-Gbps optical interconnect module with two vertically splitting output ports is demonstrated. The 1 × 2 vertically splitting configuration is realized using polymer waveguides integrated with several 45°silicon micro–reflectors. The proposed silicon-based splitter with two out-of-plane outputs is designed for 3-dimensional on-chip optical interconnects. The proposed vertically splitting paths combined with high-frequency transmission lines and Ag/In bonding pads are developed for integrating the vertical-cavity-surface-emitting-laser (VCSEL) on it to form a optical interconnect module.The optical characteristics of proposed structure including the insertion loss of -6.6 dB and the splitting ratio of 0.124 : 0.095 is obtained. For the high-frequency characteristics of 1 × 2 optical splitting module, The clear eye patterns operated at a data rate of 10Gbps verifies that the silicon-based 1 × 2 vertical optical splitter successfully transmits the optical signal at such a high data rate.