隨著公共工程規模的日漸龐大,工務資料量亦日益增加,目前住都處於全省各地有九個工程組作為各地區工程管理之總管機關,處本部則有工務組負責資料整合之工程管理與考工的工作。目前電腦資訊技術快速發展,工務行政日益繁重之際,資訊科技能迅速確實的簡化作業流程及加強各介面間之溝通,並可即時做資料的整合與保存,將資料轉換成有用的資訊,作為決策之參考。故資訊技術的應用已成為不可避免的趨勢。住都處目前應用之『工程管理系統』(AME),乃住都處同仁自行於DOS環境下發展而成,然而,工程管理系統(AME)由於其發展環境(DOS)的受限,使用上已難滿足業務需求,因此,本計畫擬更新目前使用之工程管理系統,以視窗人性化之作業環境,結合資訊快速流通之網路功能,期能應用更具效率之電腦資訊新技術,加強並改善住都處之工程管理效能,提升住都處之服務品質。 ; The project is so upgrade and improve the management information system, AME. Currently used in the Housing and Urban Development(HUD) for project management. The system was originally developed and executed in the DOS environment. Due to the fact that the amounts of information associated with a project increase tremendously as sizes of projects in recent years become bigger, there are needs to have a much more capable system to maintain and improve the efficiency of project management. The objectives of this project are to upgrade the original AME system to a Windows environment with a better graphic user interface (GUI), and to improve the functionality of the system for better project management. ; 研究期間 8710 ~ 8809