臺灣地區目前約有大小橋梁二萬五千餘座。目前國內按交通部所頒佈之「公路養護手冊」所進行之橋梁定期檢測,所使用之檢測方法為DER&U 目視檢測評估法。DER&U 評估法係以較常見之混凝土梁式橋為對象,檢測項目計有21 項構件。然而隨著橋梁工程技術的進步,不同的工法與結構型式之新建橋梁甚多,現有混凝土橋之21 項構件顯然不足以應付;再者,針對一些型式簡單的小型橋,21 項構件亦可能過多,尤其在計算橋梁狀況指標(CI)及優選指標(PI)時,因「無此項目」之構件分數仍會被計入,導致指標無法反應橋梁真實之情況。本研究之目的為(1)參考國內外現行之分類,整理適合國內之橋梁型式分類法;(2) 訂定各類型橋梁之主要構件及定期檢測項目,使每座橋梁均有適當之檢測項目可供記錄其狀態;(3)針對不同型式之橋梁重新定義其檢測項目之權重;(4)重新評估CI 及PI 指標與其計算公式之合理性;(5)在不改變DER&U 評估準則之原則下,改善或建立更適合之評估指標,以適用於各種橋型以及複合橋;最後(6)將本研究成果之橋梁分類、構件分類及橋梁狀態評估指標,實際應用於臺灣地區橋梁管理系統之中。 ; There are more than 25,000 bridges in Taiwan. Currently, regular inspections of bridge regulated in the “Roads Maintenance Manual” by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, employ the DER&U methodology for the inspection and evaluation of bridges. The DER&U methodology was initially developed targeted toward concrete-girder type of bridge, in which the bridge was inspected by its 21 components. Nowadays there are many more types of bridges other than the concrete-girder one, thus, the 21 components become insufficient when performing the inspection. In addition, the 21 components are also far more than needed when inspecting small and simple bridges; in such case, the calculated condition index or priority index cannot properly reflect the bridge’s condition. This research is aimed at the following purposes: (1) classifying the types of bridges in Taiwan; (2) determining proper components for inspection for each type of bridge; (3) defining appropriate weights for the components for the calculation of condition index; (4) evaluating the validity of present equations for calculating condition or priority index; (5) modifying the equations or establishing a proper evaluation equation; and (6) applying results of this research to the Taiwan Bridge Management System. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807