過去幾年交通部、運輸研究所與各級公路管理機關,針對公路養護作業所陸續開發不同管理系統,包括橋梁、鋪面、邊坡、防災及用地等系統,已大幅提升整體養護工作之成效。上述各養護工作雖不盡相同,但其行政作業如人力、機具調配,養護材料供應、管理,陳情與國賠案件處理,查報與拆除違規廣告物與建築物,登錄重要案件或發生事項,辦理採購與作業與管理合約等,皆類似而具共通性。此外,公路養護作業所需之相關資訊,如:設施、橋梁等所在位置、養護單位、檢測與維護資料、維修廠商與經費等,皆已存在於各系統之資料庫中。因此,本研究首先將針對公路總局轄下工務段實務作業情形進行深度訪談,歸納整理共通性養護行政作業之程序與內容。嗣後本研究將以「資料倉儲」(Data Warehouse)之概念,分析整合交通部運輸研究所開發之各養護系統中與養護業務相關之資料,以減少重複輸入並增加資料之正確性與一致性之方式,開發可於網路上使用之「公路養護共通性業務支援系統」,作為各系統間之整合界面,提供公路管理機關使用,以提升養護行政作業之工作效率。 ; There are many computer systems developed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Institute of Transportation, and other various agencies for highway maintenance purposes such as bridge, pavement, slope, disaster prevention, and land management systems. However, even though those systems were developed for different tasks, there are many common administrative affairs that were not incorporated into those systems. The affairs include management of manpower, equipment, material, petition, compensation, illegal advertisements and buildings, and other important events. This research is aimed at developing a “Management Support System for Common Administrative Affairs of Highway Maintenance.” Interviews with personnel of various agencies will be conducted to standardize the administrative processes. The concept of “Data Warehouse” will be incorporated when developing the system. The rational is to extract pertinent data from the various existing management systems for the purpose of this system thus repetitive input of information can be avoided; in the meantime, consistency and accuracy of data can be obtained. The developed system is expected to serve as a useful management tool to improve work efficiency for the personnel of highway agencies. ; 研究期間 9703 ~ 9711