永續發展為現階段各先進國家注重之議題,在經濟蓬勃發展時,如何確保環境、經濟與社會之調和將是未來公共工程發展時所需正視之課題。目前我國政府為促進經濟發展,致力推動「愛台12項建設」,預計未來八年內將投資新台幣三兆九千九百億元,目的在擴大內需,增加就業機會;而行政院97年5月22日第3093次會議院長指示:「愛台12項建設計畫,在規劃時,經濟成長、環境保護和社會公義都要一起考量,不容偏廢。這樣才能做到全方位的施政,也才能夠走向永續。」,因此可知政府對於永續公共工程發展之重視,爰此必須針對公共工程之永續性進行客觀之評量,使工程設計得以朝向永續性進行檢討,故永續公共工程指標系統之確立有其必要性。本研究參考國內外相關永續發展指標評量系統,歸納各國對於永續公共工程之要求,並經由相關專家學者座談探討,沿用公共工程委員會永續工程之定義,提出永續公共工程四大願景,並據以發展八大指標,包含安全、效益、生態、節能、減廢、耐久、人文與創意,續以建構十六項副指標與七十四項評估項目之指標系統,且根據道路、橋梁、水利、水保與港灣五種不同類型工程之評估項目適用性進行初探,最後提出建議之審議機制與後續可能之工作項目,希冀提供國內外發展永續公共工程指標系統之參考,繼而使公共工程邁向節能減碳之永續趨勢。 ; Problems of global warming and climate change have driven the worldwide countries to face the challenge in the sustainable development of earth. Sustainability has achieved global recognition and become one of the most important issues in the world. The construction and building sector is one of the major industries that consumed tremendous energy and natural resources, and generated tones of various wastes, which create hazards to the environment. The government in Taiwan also faces the problem and tries to develop an assessment system for the sustainable Infrastructures. This study first defined the meanings and contents of sustainable infrastructures, and developed an assessment system to evaluate the sustainability of infrastructures from various perspectives. The developed system consists of 8 major themes, namely the safety, efficiency, ecologically sound, energy conservation, waste reduction, durability, humanism and innovation. The 8 major themes are further divided into 17 categories and totally 74 indicators. The assessment system can serve as a means for the government to evaluate the sustainability of major public infrastructure projects. In addition, the system can help the construction engineering practitioners understand what the substances of the sustainable infrastructures are and carry out them in the planning, design, construction, and operation stages of an infrastructure project. ; 研究期間 9707 ~ 9712