中央大學物理系經過台灣聯合大學系統與中央大學投入人力與資金多年,現有演示教材近百套。並且擁有演示教室一間近140 平方米,已經服務過數十個團體參觀。能感受到社會大眾熱切的需要。另外中大是國內天文研究起步最早的大學,而校內科一館所設置的24 吋天文望遠鏡,在以往二十年間都是天文學界的代表性觀測工具,對天文研究及人才培育做出重大貢獻。由於中壢地區的觀測條件已大不如昔,且鹿林天文台也逐漸取代其研究功能的情況下,本計畫擬將24 吋天文望遠鏡轉為科學教育與天文普及教育設施,輔以小型儀器的太陽觀測,提供各級教育團體教學觀摩、使用,同時也擬發展網路天文教學網頁與新聞報導等,以期肩負科學教育任務,同時也記錄中大的天文發展歷史與成果。本計畫擬以中央大學的師資和環境,搭配普通高級中學課程物理學科中心張宇靖老師、桃園縣同德國中劉文韻校長,桃園縣大勇國小童政憲校長以及桃園縣新移民中心黃辛材校長合作,一是協助全國或桃園縣中小學自然科老師培訓物理演示實驗教學技能。二是協助新移民子弟提昇學習物理科學的能力。本計畫的主要工作在於人力架構的建立與培訓。中央大學科教中心為與外界聯絡建立窗口,將負責整合物理演示教室、天象教室的資源,提供服務人力讓社會大眾能接觸中央大學在天文與物理方面的資源。 ; Within last few years, Taiwan United University System and National Central University have invested manpower and enough capitals in setting up the demonstration laboratory in physics department. Now it has built up about hundred set of physics demonstration experiments. Also there is a demonstration room with an open space of 140 square meters. Up to now, there are few tens groups visited this demonstration room and showed their tremendous interest and amazed passion afterwards. On the other hand, National Central University is the first institute in Taiwan which set up Astronomy program in campus. The 24 in diameter telescope was the most devoted research tool in last two decades. Unfortunately the Chung-Li city development brings in serious light contamination into the telescope operations. It has to be replaced by Lu-lin observatory. In this project, this old telescope need to be renovated to keep on contributing to outreach programs effectively. We propose to incorporate with Mr. Yu-Jin Chang of TaiChung first Senior High School, Principle Liu from Tung-De Junior High School of Tau-Yuan County, Principle Tung from Da-Yung Elementay School of Tau-Yuan County, Principle Huang from Tau-Yuan County New Immigrants Placement Center to improve their teacher’s capability in physics demonstration experiments and promote young generation of new immigrants their devotion in studying physics. The major goal is to build manpower infrastructure in promoting the physics and astronomy outreach programs effectively. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807