本計畫擬在IEEE 802.22 工作小組所規範的環境, 和包含 WiMAX 網路之多系統環境, 逐年討論集中式及分散式網路架構,分三年研究認知網路之無線電資源管理與頻譜分享技術第一年研究基於OFDMA 的集中式網路架構如何提供有效之動態資源管理及頻譜分享將包含電源控制、頻譜配置、允入控制及垂直交遞等議題,第二年研究結合集中式與分散式的網路架構之資源管理與頻譜分享整合等議題, 第三年研究由IEEE 802.22、802.16 等組成異質網路的頻譜分享整合機制、無間隙漫遊服務之資源管理等議題。希望能研究出能讓干擾降至最低,且頻譜使用率、公平性和系統容量最大的頻譜分享機制。 ; In this project , we consider the case, in which a cognit ive radio user has the capabi l it ies for access in IEEE 802.22 and WiMAX hybrid networks. We wi l l provide a clear descript ion in terms of network archi tectures, radio resource management and spect rum sharing mechanism. In case of cogni tive radio network access or ad hoc access, the unused or l it t le port ions of the whole spect rum needs a spectrum sharing scheme so that the interference among cogni t ive radio users is minimized and spectrum ut il izat ion, fai rness, throughput are maximized. The research topics include: power cont rol , spectrum assignment , admission cont rol , vert ical handover, int ra-network or inter-network spectrum sharing, horizontal or vert ical spect rum sharing, common cont rol channel, et iquet te protocol and cogni t ive cross layers design. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807