隨著網際網路技術的日益更新、軟體功能的日漸強大,帶動了一般大眾參與此一網路盛會的潮流,透過特定平台,個人或組織可以貢獻其心力於特定領域,供大家分享與使用。然而隨著網路資訊的急速增加、擴張,卻讓使用者有著不知從何下手找尋所需要資訊的困擾,此外應用服務的加值者也面臨多重技術整合上的限制。資料的分散不一致,軟體間介面的紊亂無法銜接等問題,導致使用者無法有效使用此一網路巨大知識體的困擾。適逢網際網路技術的快速成長,許多突破性的觀念與關鍵性的技術陸續發展出來,而其中網際服務(web service)的技術,以XML 作為異質平台與系統間文件交換溝通的標準格式,且具備結合其他網際服務技術的能力,對於軟體發展與資訊整合提供了全新的技術概念,將可有效達成軟體資源的整合。因此,本計畫提出一個以服務導向架構為基礎之資訊內容搜尋平台,納入Web 2.0 之觀念及豐富使用者介面(rich user interface)的方式(如應用Ajax),並透過混搭技術 (Mashup) 結合既有的網站資訊系統、開發應用介面(API),來實現底層的服務遞送與服務組合機制,讓使用者可使用透過服務提供者提供的服務,如藝文活動查詢資訊服務,可以讓使用者在平台上收尋各式各樣之媒體(公告、文字、影像、聲音等),並透過資訊的分析蒐集,回饋資訊平台,形成重要的藝文活動資源。 ; Recently, the development of new web application is growing rapidly, which encouraging people contributing their knowledge and efforts to the virtual world and connecting people all over the world. However, too much information results in a problem of digging out useful things from hundreds or thousands of different information sources. Moreover, value-added service providers are facing the difficulties to integrate heterogeneous systems to create a better one. One possible solution to dealing with this problem is the web service, which is based on XML as a communication vehicle and is capable to combine various sources of web services and gives a whole new picture of developing web applications. In the project, a service sharing platform is going to be built based on the service-oriented architecture. In the construction of the experimental service, several features in Web 2.0 are also considered as a mean to enhance the interaction abilities with users, such as rich user interface (using Ajax) and service mashup technology. Service providers can provide various services, such as performing activity query service for people to search various forms of multimedia (such as text, video, audio, and etc.). By incorporating the concept of Web 2.0 and the implementation of rich user interface base upon the proposed development platform, users can manipulate the provided content through a rich user interface. Moreover, the data information collected during the service usages can be further analyzed as feed back for improving the service itself and as crucial digital archive resources of performing activities. ; 研究期間 9703 ~ 9807