「成像面圓盤型複合全像術」由鄭益祥教授與陳志宏博士於2000年提出,他們在光學系統中捨棄昂貴的圓柱透鏡,利用重複曝光的方式拍攝全像片,成功地消除柵欄效應,同時可使用白光光源重建原地旋轉之3D影像,給單一觀賞者觀看。 在本論文中,我們承襲了林傳傑學長所提出的「成像面圓盤型複合全像術之虛實像設計」的概念,實際製作出展示虛像之成像面圓盤型複合全像片。我們利用電腦模擬白光重建全像圓盤時的光線追跡,分析當觀賞者在不同的觀賞距離與角度下觀看全像圓盤時,「觀測影像」上各像點的全像片張數與波長的改變,並依此得到重建影像的寬與高之變化。另外,也可藉此瞭解圓盤各波長的觀賞圓環如何隨著波長而變化。另一方面,我們深入分析因圓盤之相鄰兩全像片間隔過近,所導致的多束繞射光進入單眼的情況,進而造成影像中有干涉條紋的產生,藉由改變圓盤全像片的拍攝間隔,可避免影像中產生干涉條紋。最後,我們亦探討參考光源與圓盤全像片間的適當距離,來使觀賞環帶上之繞射光聚焦點間的空白區可被填滿,藉此消除「柵欄效應」所帶來的影響。‘‘Image-plane disk-type multiplex holography’’ (IPDTMH) was proposed by Prof. Y. S. Cheng and Dr. C. H. Chen in 2000. The cylindrical lens used in conventional technique was forsaken in their optical system. By using multiplex-exposure method, the picket-fence effect was also successfully eliminated. IPDTMH can be reconstructed using white-light illumination, and 3D image can be displayed for the observer by normal-viewing. In this study, the fabrication method and the parameter design of image-plane disk-type multiplex holography for virtual-image generation are described. With computer simulation, we analyze the holographic model of the disk-type hologram under white-light reconstruction. By the changing values of the hologram number and the wavelength corresponding to the observed image points, we can numerically obtain the width-to-height ratio of the reconstructed image under different observation distances and various vertical viewing angles. We also describe how the position of observation ring belonging to different wavelength moves with holographic parameters. Next, we illustrate the formation of interference fringes appeared on the reconstructed image. These fringes can be viewed at the overlapping area of diffracted light from adjacent holograms and this phenomenon is successfully eliminated by optimized parameters described in this study. Finally, we can fill the dark area of observation ring with diffracted object beam by changing the distance between reference beam and hologram disk in the holographic fabrication process, and thus the picket-fence effect can be eliminated.