氣動馬達是以空氣作為驅動源之旋轉機械,且可廣泛應用於工業自動化產業中,然而與一般馬達使用電力作為驅動源是截然不同,可避免易爆、易燃場所時用電的危險性。市面上氣動馬達的種類繁多,如:葉片型與活塞型馬達…等諸如此類,本文是以活塞型氣動馬達來作分析探討,由於此類馬達具有在低速時運轉時,力矩的輸出大於葉片型馬達且不會有過熱現象。本研究將活塞型氣動馬達裝置於滾珠軸承平台上進行定位控制,首先本研究根據氣壓相關理論推導數學模型,並發展出模糊反演滑模控制器於固定負載情況與模型參考反演強健滑模控制器,針對隨機負載變化下,其定位追蹤控制精度誤差維持在0.5um以內。In general, air motors have been applied for automation in industry. There aremany kinds of air motors used in automation equipment, such as vane air motors,radial piston air motors, and so on. The advantage of the piston air motor is thatit is able to provide larger torque at low speed than vane-type motors. Thischaracter is suitable for position control application on a ball screw table.Because there are few researches related to this subject so that the maincontribution is to develop the mathematical model of radial piston air motoraccording to the pneumatic theories. There will be many control researchesproposed based on this model in the future. The air motor is accomplishedaccurate desired positioning and tracking control utilizing a fuzzy backsteppingfor constant loading condition and a model reference backstepping robust slidingmode controller for time-varying loading condition.