隨著網際網路的發展,透過全球資訊網取得資訊已經是許多人生活中不可或缺的一部份,而使用無線通訊設備連上網際網路,更將是未來上網的主要方式之一。而因無線上網必須透過無線通訊專用之入口網站(無線網站)方能達成,故無線網站如何提供適當之資訊內容,以符合無線通訊傳輸頻寬和費率之限制,已成為應用上之一大課題。 本研究針對目前各大通訊業者所制定之無線應用協定(Wireless Application Protocol, WAP),探討適合無線上網的營建資訊服務,並進而實作一無線網站雛型-「營建資訊無線網」,以提供營建工程相關人員經常查詢之資訊。「營建資訊無線網」包含「營建新資訊服務」及「營建物價資訊服務」兩大部份;前者包含營建專題摘要報導、營建最新研討會或教育訓練、以及營建新聞服務,而後者則提供人員、機具、材料價格查詢、以及即時工料與單價分析等功能。 本研究所探討適合無線上網之營建資訊架構及所建立之無線網站雛型,可供未來無線通訊技術更進步時,架設資訊更豐富之營建資訊無線入口網站之參考。 Obtaining information through the world wide web (WWW) on internet has been a daily activity for many people. It is anticipated that wireless access of internet will become a popular trend in the future. However, the wireless access requires a special portal that meets the requirements of communication protocols. Structuring information in the portal so that it can be accessed through current transmission bandwidths, within acceptable fee rates, has become an important issue for such wireless applications. This research focuses on the application of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), developed by four major communication vendors in 1997, in frequently requested construction information. A wireless portal is then established that provides construction information in two sections. The first section offers new construction information that includes construction headlines, seminars, workshops, and news. The second section offers costs of labor, materials, equipments, and unit costs for various activities. The prototypical wireless construction portal developed in this research is a pioneer in the construction area. It is an excellent starting point from where better wireless applications can be built in the future for the construction industry.