本論文試圖以婆羅洲的在地視角來重新閱讀、探勘小說家李永平及其小說。論文第一章為緒論,內容主要交代研究動機與目的、文獻探討、研究範疇,以及研究方法與論述架構。第二章,梳理砂華文學、旅台馬華文學以及砂華文壇提出的「書寫婆羅洲」方案,並以此連結李永平婆羅洲書寫的策略與方向。第三章則以李永平的國家認同為探討主軸,在論述上會疊合李永平的創作歷程及其各個時期的作品,從中再推敲李永平國家認同的變化與轉折。之後,則跳接李永平婆羅洲書寫的技法分析。論文第四章討論李永平小說中的地理鋪排與場景搭建:本章分作二節,個別討論李永平如何透過書寫拼湊出一個「古晉」鄉鎮印象,以及如何鋪設小說裡的「婆羅洲雨林」。第五章討論李永平對小說人物的塑造,本章個別討論女性角色、男性角色,以及白人殖民者與原住民角色。第六章則討論李永平如何在小說中動員動物意象,以烘托出其個人的土地情感與殖民歷史遺留的創傷。而這一章將擷取狗、鳥和魚三種在小說中各具深刻意涵的動物來加以分析。最後,第七章結論部分將重新簡要交代各章節的論述結果,並會分析後續研究可以拓展的面向。The writer has redefined and explored Li Yongping and his works within this thesis. As a Malaysian himself, the writer has provided local views and knowledge to enrich the understanding for this collection of essays. At start, the writer discussed about condition of Mahua literature and brought up the relationship among Li Yongping and Borneo. Next, by breaking down the periods of Li’s work, it created path for looking into cultural identification of Li Yongping. The writer also drew attention to several aspect of Li’s novels: the representation of Kuching town and Borneo rainforest, the building up of characters, and colonial trauma that repeatedly haunted the characters in novel.