本研究是採用不同鍍層處理之金屬發泡材取代質子交換膜燃料電池的傳統流道,配合鋁材質的金屬雙極板組裝之單電池,探討各種表面處理的金屬發泡材在不同操作溫度及加濕條件下,其單電池內部因化學反應衍生的腐蝕現象對電池效能輸出的影響。論文中使用的金屬發泡材為孔隙率95%的成熟產品,利用其多孔材質的良好導電性、高滲透性及較佳的排水特性,來提升電池效能,但因電池內部的酸性環境,易使金屬發泡材產生腐蝕現象,並導致電池效率不如預期,因此,本研究係針對鍍層材料的特性分析,討論鍍層材料改善減緩腐蝕的發生及穩定電池效能。研究觀察實驗前的PTFE疏水處理,除了提升水管理效率外,也增加了抗腐蝕能力。鍍層的材料如果為易在酸性環境中反應並析出生成物質,則將影響電池性能的表現,藉由長時間測試實驗得知,鍍氮化物的表面處理方式,電池性能在運轉100小時後,整體的表現穩定,為鍍金方式之外,可以考慮的表面處理方法,藉此研究結果,提供未來金屬發泡材燃料電池降低因腐蝕影響電池效能之精進。In this study traditional graphite flow field of PEM fuel cell was replaced by metal foam and thin metallic plate. Several surface treatments were employed increase the corrosion resistance of the metal foams. The surface properties, corrosion characterisitics at different temperatures, and their effects on fuel cell performance were investigated. The metal foam used in this study has a porosity of 0.95 as purchased. It has good electrical conductivity, gas permeability, and water removal ability. However, metal suffers from corrosion in fuel cell environment. Therefore, several surface coatings were used to increase its corrosion resistance. Results show that, in addition to increasing hydrophobicity, the PTFE treament also helps to increase metal foam’s corrosion resistance. From the results of 100-hr durability test, the cell with nitride coating foams has the best stability. Although its cell performance is slightly lower than the cell with gold plated foams, it is a promising alternative for its stability and lower cost.